16 | Sunflower

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"Step two, lets have it!"

"Wow, impatient much?"

"Yes, I am. Now go!"

"Ok... be yourself, which you seem to have no trouble doing. Remember or figure out who you are and don't let your inner talents or secrets be so secret. Just be honest with yourself and others, I guess."



"Ok... one time at a carnival when I was 15 I peed my pants because my friends wouldn't let me go to the bathroom until they won their game. To try and cover it up I dumped my lemonade all over myself to make it look like I had just spilled it on myself. I've skateboarded for half my life and I actually hate it. I really like staring at clouds, I can look at them for hours, they make me happy."


"I watched Interstellar like 7 times and I still don't understand it. I love oranges, anything that tastes or smells like it. One time my sister forced me to go get a pedicure because she was scared and I actually kinda liked it, even though it tickled a lot."

"Ok, Alec—"

"I still don't know how to whistle, it just hasn't happened for me. I've always wanted a pet snake, I think they are just so cool. I started working near the wharf because I loved the water, now I hate it because it all smells like fish oh and now I hate fish."

"How can you hate fish—"

"Since we've, so called, met I've learned a lot of different flowers and a lot about them and I honestly don't mind because flowers are pretty dope."

"Alright, alright Alec. I just meant in general, not specifically now."

"I know but I just think those are important things to know about me AND I've never told anyone else and I trust you AND now I think you should tell me about you because I just opened myself up to you."

"Oh yeah it must've really hard for you to open up like that."

"I sense sarcasm but I am choosing to ignore it and stop stalling and talk sunflower."

"Ok, since I'm just laying in my backyard...I don't really know where to start..."

"Start with a childhood story, I love those."

"Alright, lets see... oh when I was ten I loved two things more than anything in the world, cartwheels and gum."

"Oh no."

"Yep. So one day I decided to chew gum while doing cartwheels, because I thought why not and in mid cartwheel I laughed and my gum flew out into my hair. I couldn't get the gum out so I freaked out and cut it out of my hair. My mom dragged me to a place to get my hair evened out and that was the shortest my hair has ever been. Plus I think I chewed gum twice since then because I honestly think I'm scarred."

"Keep going."

"I love anything that is sour, I'm obsessed with sour so much so that I have burned off my tastebuds from eating way to many sour candies. I play the ukulele and I originally started playing because I thought it was funny that it looked like a mini guitar, now I just love playing it. My favorite color is yellow, always has been always will be, it's just so happy. I don't really care what people think of me anymore which is why I wear whatever I want, but my wardrobe primarily consists of jeans and floral dresses. This is fun."


"I love turtles, I like things to be in pairs, I hate bows, I believe in aliens and I always try to fix anything that breaks and I think it's because my parents are divorced and I wasn't able to fix that so now I try to fix everything else."



"That was awesome sunflower!"

"It actually felt awesome! Man, I haven't talked to anyone like that for a while! I feel like I could run around the block! But I wont because I hate running."

"I hate running too!"

"Wow, so much in common..."

"I like it when you laugh. You have a good laugh."

"Thank you."

"Well I have to go pick up the little worm from her play date. I'll call you later tonight ok?"

"Ok, I would like that."

"Talk to you later alligator."

"In a while crocodile."


"Daisy, why are you just laying on the ground smiling at the sky?"

"I'm looking at the clouds, they make me happy."

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