20 | Rhododendron

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"Hey I can't talk long because I'm going out to dinner soon."

"Ok, I just wanted to ask you what that woman's name that came into your cafe that one time."

"There are a lot of woman that come into the cafe at a lot of times Alec."

"Like she had a weird name or nickname specifically."

"Mrs. Pumpernickel?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"Why are you asking?"

"Because I'm trying to write down all of our conversations...or at least most of them."


"For our story!"

"Oh, I thought you were joking."

"I never joke."

"Uh well thats a lie."

"Ok maybe sometimes—"

"Like the biggest lie I have ever heard."


"If that lie were a movie it would be 'Big, starring Tom Hanks'."

"Alright, alright shut up."


"So anyways... why is she called Mrs. Pumpernickel?"

"Oh, just because every week she comes in for something on pumpernickel. Eggs, on pumpernickel. Ham and cheese, on pumpernickel. Tomatoes, on pumpernickel and the list goes on and on."

"Well that's random..."

"Yeah I know right. Hold on I have to put on my shoes...ok I'm back"

"So why are you going out to dinner anyways? A specific occasion possibly?"

"My friend Jay asked me to go out and I thought why not."

"Oh... are you guys close?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that. Jay just came back into town for a few days and thought we should catch up."

"Hm. Interesting..."

"Actually you guys remind me a lot of each other! You both have a weird sense of humor, you both always have A LOT or energy (more than I ever have) and for some unknown reason you guys both like me."

"So is Jay staying for long?"

"Yeah I think for like a month or two. Why?"

"Um. I have to go."

"Oh...uh ok. Bye Alec."


"That was weird..."

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