46 | Honey Shop

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Ok, so since I seem to already be a beat behind her that means that I should skip a few places so that I can actually catch her rather than constantly being behind her. That's an awesome idea, isn't it? It totally is! Ha, I'm smart!

Removing the paper from my surprisingly clenched fist, I smooth out the creases and read down the list. If I skip a few stores then I end up at Bee My Honey, honey shop. Honey shop? That exists? I guess you learn something new every day huh? The only issue is, once again I have absolutely no clue where it is...

Oh yeah! Google Maps! That girl was a genius.

As I enter the name of the shop into my phone I think back to her. I feel kind of bad now that I think of it. I was so distracted and excited that I didn't even really look at her or make any kind of eye contact...hell I barely heard her after she said yes. I remember mom telling me that I had mental tunnel vision. I didn't understand what she meant then, but now I think I do. Maybe if I see her again I will apologize...only if I can recognize her upon seeing her. That is a hard maybe.

The results pop up on my phone and I immediately start walking in the direction it tells me to. It's weird though, it tells me the shop is in The Marketplace. I didn't know we had a marketplace. From the looks of the map, it's pretty big. And I just didn't know it existed at all.

The cramp in my side grows as I pause at the crosswalk. I've decided, at this very moment, that I am not a physical activity type of person. I mean I already knew that but this completely confirms it. I've also decided that I'm never ever running again—suddenly the red hand turns into a little walking man—after today!

Before I can even think about walking across the street my feet take off without me, once again, in a run. My eyes eagerly flick from the map on my phone to the sidewalk, making sure I don't have another unwanted collision. Thankfully there are not many people to collide with right now. I don't know where they all went but the sidewalk is pretty much clear now. I have a straight path to The Marketplace, which actually should be coming up soon. On the right—

Oh shit, I passed it. How did I do that? Turning on my heels I walk back in the other direction paying more attention to the map and—

What the hell? I passed it again!

Looking back over my shoulder I notice a dark alley that I've passed, now multiple times. Dropping my phone back into my pocket I walk over to the alley and poke my head around the corner. Lo and behold, multiple doorways line either side of the brick buildings. Above my head swings a bright sign that reads, Hidden Alley, the Marketplace. Isn't that like a ranch dressing or something? Also, why make it hidden? What's the point in that?

Slipping past a small crowd of chatting people, I scan the surprisingly long line of shops lining the walls. How did I not know all of these places existed, even after all of these years? I must've walked past the alley so many times and not noticed it, or given a shit. Was I just that oblivious and stupid that I missed a whole section of town? I mean all those idiots wanted to do when we were down here was bug innocent people and dare each other to do completely meaningless and pointless things. How was I even friends with people like them? Was it because I just didn't have any standards? Or was it because I was, at some point, like them? Was I just one of those idiots?

Suddenly, a voice I hadn't heard for a while, spoke to me in my head. She's saying, "why are you doing that? Why are you thinking about that past moment? Why aren't you looking at this moment now, the one you're in? You're not the same person you were back then, so don't even give attention to him. Instead, give attention to the Alec you are today...stupid."

And that is all I need to get back to the task at hand, and the now. The only problem is that I only need to take one look at the door of Bee My Honey to know she's not in there. The tiny red door has a sign hanging above the doorknob that reads, "Sorry, were out buzzing around for the day! Come back later!"

So done with the bee puns and my luck I spin on my heels and walk, begrudgingly, back out of The Marketplace. The second I step back out onto the sidewalk and the sun hits my face I close my eyes and release something I've wanted to for the past...however long this whole thing has taken...

"DAISY!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

A few moments pass before I hear a distant, "YEAH?"

My eyes fly open.



My head whips back and forth as I eagerly search the streets on either side of me. No-one around could possibly match the voice. So where the hell did it come from?

"Where are you?!" I call, gaining me a few stares, but I could really care less.

"Here, there and everywhere!"

"Just, stay there! I—I'm coming to you!"

I'm almost positive I hear the voice coming from the left of me, so that's where my feet go. The voice, is just a voice right now, I don't know who it belongs to. I don't know if its the one I'm looking for and I know I shouldn't get my hopes up. Yet, I can't ignore the fluttering feeling, twisting and swirling around my stomach. It's a strong and telling feeling, I just don't know what it's telling me yet. My body seems to know something that I don't.

I briskly round the corner and weave through a few groups of jabbering people, but they're barely there. They are simply obstacles in my way, obstacles that I have to get around. Nothing matters right now, except...her... The people, the cars, the sounds all dissolve into the universe around me as I step around a large oak and spot her.

The girl stands straight and tall, even though she is quite short in height. Her presence is strong and confident but still soft and gentle. She stands out like a bright flower amongst dull weeds. Anywhere she'd go she'd light up the room, I just know it. Her fingers are laced around the handles of a few bags and I watch as she swings them back and forth at her sides. She suddenly looks up as a few birds soar by in front of her. A slight smile plays at her lips as her eyes follow them across the sky. The sun beams down on her blonde curls, making them glow like rays of sunshine.


Her hazel, doe eyes look down from the sky and scan the sidewalk. I fully step out from behind the tree and her eyes snap to me. Her rosy cheeks bunch up as she smiles, releasing a small giggle.

"Hey, you're that guy with the crazy eyes," she giggles.

"What? I—are you Daisy?" I ask hesitantly.

"The one and only," Daisy responds, merrily. "Well, I'm not the one and only but I am one."

"But—you're so—" I take another step forward so I can take all of her in. "I have a question."

"One that is different from the other three?"

"Yes...are you, Daisy, as in, Daisy's plan to a wonderful life?"

A line appears between her slim eyebrows as she scrunches up her nose in thought.

"Daisy's plan to a—oh my god." Her confused expression suddenly melts into one of shock.

She slowly shakes her head and takes two careful steps towards me. Her eyes quickly scan my face with intense curiosity.


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