36 | Camellia

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"Hi you've reached Daisy's phone. Either I've lost my phone or I'm ignoring you. Either way leave a message after the beep and I may or may not call you back. Thanks!"

"Daisy Please pick up! Look I'm a little drunk and I started talking to this girl and your words swirled around in my head—not that it's your fault! Everything I said was wrong—I mean false and not what I really feel, I was just blabbering! Like I am right now... Just don't acknowledge any of it because none of it was true! You know? Does that make sense? Am I making any sense here? I hope I am. Daisy I can't believe you heard all that... I was just upset you know? I get upset too, I have emotions too! Wow. I'm more drunk than I thought—"


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