When He Ask You Out

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I smiled, at the picture of little Naruto that Minato sent me. Naruto had a bucket on top of his head, and he looked absolutely adorable. I smiled and texted him.

You- He's so cute~

I sighed happily. Me and Minato knew each other for a few months now, and I grew a liking to him.

Namikaze- I know right! But, he's not the only cute thing ;)

I blushed slightly, and laughed. Until I heard Minato's ringtone, (F/S) [Favorite Song]. I smiled, and picked up, putting the phone up to my ear. "Hey (Y/N)." He said sounding cheerful. "Hi!" I said and smiled. He chuckled, "What are you doing?" He ask. "Oh, I was actually about to leave." I said. "Where were you going?" He asked. "To go grab something to eat." I said, as I got off my bed, slipped my shoes on, and grabbed my house keys.

"Oh, would you like to actually come and eat at my house? Kushina just came to pick up Naruto." He asked. "Oh, sure. I'll be over in a bit. I'll call a cab." I said. "Alright, see you soon." He said. "Bah bye!" I said, as I hung up. I sighed, and then dialed a cab. I then walked out of my apartment, and locked the door. I walked down the stairs, and walked on to the sidewalk. Then I saw the cab. It stopped in front of me, as I opened the door and got in.

[Skip to arrival]

I paid the driver, and got out of the car.

[Minato POV]

I sighed happily. The house looked clean enough. Today was the day I was gonna ask, (Y/N) out. I grew a liking to her over the past few months. We know each other pretty well also. I hope she doesn't reject me. I then heard a car door closed, I looked out the window and I saw (Y/N) walking up to the door. I grinned, and opened the door. I was so excited. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi Minato!" She cheered. "Hey (Y/N)." I said back to her. She smiled, as she walked inside. I closed the door behind her. "I cleaned the house before you came here." I said. She smiled, "I wouldn't have minded." She said sweetly.

She's so kind.

"Ah! I ordered some pizza after Naruto left." I told her and took her into the kitchen. "Yum!" She said, as I opened the box of pizza revealing (F/T) [Favorite Topping] pizza. She smiled, and grabbed a slice, as I did the same. We both sat at the kitchen table. "You know (Y/N), your very kind." I said after finishing my slice. She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, you are too." She said. "You know, after Kushina cheated on me, I was broken in the inside, but I was still very happy cause I had Naruto for the week and she got him for the weekend. Then I met you, and I wanted to move on." I said, she knew that I was hurt when Kushina cheated on me and divorced me. My first ever love.

"I wanted to move on from her and on to you." I said. "I would like to take you on a date." I said, I then noticed her face turn red. She smiled. "Of course, I would love to!" She said. I smiled back at her. We then hung out for the whole day.


[Next Chapter: Your Date/ First Kiss]

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