Meeting Baby Naruto Uzumaki

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To be honest, today I was pretty nervous. Minato wanted me to meet, three year old Naruto. We were gonna go to the park to have a picnic. Minato was really excited on the phone earlier also.


I was cleaning dishes today, cause I didn't have to babysit today. I sighed, as I heard some music. I went into my room, and grabbed my phone. I saw Minato's caller ID and picture. I smiled, and picked up. "Hey Minato." I said. "Hey (Y/N)! I don't have work today, do you?" He asked. "No, my usual are on a family vacation, but I still got paid." I said. "Good, oh and Naruto's school is on a holiday today also, so I was wondering..." He trailed off. "Wondering?" I asked. "If you would like to meet Naruto!?" He asked. "R-Really? We've only been officially dating for at least a few weeks now." I said. "I know, but I know how you are towards children, and I know he'll really like you." He said. I sighed, "Fine, where should I go?" I asked. "The park, we're gonna have a picnic." He said.

"Alright, I'll be there." I said. "Alright, I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said, and then hung up.

~Flashback Over~

I grabbed my house keys, and then left my apartment locking the door. I started to walk towards the park. It really wasn't too far. I sighed, as I arrived at the park. I pulled my phone out, and called Minato.

"Hello." He said. "Hey Minato, I'm here." I said. "Oh... Oh! I see you!" He said. I then looked ahead and saw him waving at me. I smiled, "I see you too." I said, and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket, and I ran over to him. When I got to him, he hugged me and smiled. I hugged back. We then separated. "Naruto." He said, I then noticed a small version of Minato. Naruto turned around and looked at us both. "Pretty lady..." Naruto said. I smiled. "Naruto, meet (Y/N) my girlfriend." He said. "Girlfriend?" Naruto asked. "Someone you like." Minato asked. "Oh... Girlfriend! Girlfriend! My girlfriend, is pretty lady!" Naruto said, and hugged my legged. I smiled and laughed. "First impression pretty good" I said.

He laughed, as we both sat down on the blanket, that Minato placed for the picnic. "Daddy! Daddy!" Naruto shouted. "Yes?" Minato asked. "Mine." Naruto said, and hugged me. I laughed. "You don't even remember her name..." Minato said. "Uh-huh! I do! Her name is, mine." Naruto said. Minato wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. "Then she's mine." He teased. Naruto huffed. "No..." He pouted. We laughed. "Your adorable~." I cooed and ruffled his hair. Naruto grinned. "She likes me." Naruto said. I smiled, "Yes, I do." I said. "But, she loves me." Minato said. "Yes I really do." I said, and Minato kissed my cheek.

"Eeewwww!" Naruto said and covered his eyes. We laughed.

[Next Chapter: When He Shows You Alot Of Affection]

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