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Sierra had asked Stiles that question multiple times, but her best friend didn't have an answer to give her. He sat in his desk chair and pursed his lips at Lydia's phone lying on his desk.

What would they do with a video that showed an Alpha werewolf?

Getting ahold of Scott wasn't an option. The pair had been trying to call him for over an hour. The beta werewolf was off in the woods with Allison, wholly disconnected from the world for the day.

Sierra groaned as Scott's voicemail played again in her ear. "Dude, answer your phone," she exclaimed in frustration. "Stiles and I need your help, and we're freaking out here, alright? I'm going to kill you, Scott. Do you hear me? I can't exactly come up with a response as to how I will kill you, but I am going to do it, and it's going to be painful."

She slammed her phone on the bed angrily, and Stiles turned his head to see her run a hand through her long hair.

"We shouldn't have to worry about this," Sierra commented, motioning to Lydia's cell. "We should be freaking out about the parent-teacher conferences tonight."

Stiles buried his head in his arms to momentarily think while the girl began to pace his room.

Noah Stilinski knocked on the doorframe, making his son jump and Sierra whirl around. "Please tell me I'm going to hear good news tonight?" he asked his son nervously.

Stiles fiddled with a pencil before finally deciding to answer his father. "Depends on how you define good news," he stated with a sheepish look.

"I define it as you are getting straight A's with no behavioral issues," the sheriff suggested but let his hopes fall as he saw Stiles fidget.

His son avoided looking up. "You might want to rethink that definition?" Stiles squinted and faked a smile.

 "You might want to rethink that definition?" Stiles squinted and faked a smile

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Noah let out a sigh, "Enough said."

The adult turned his attention to the girl looking out the window. "What about you, Sierra? Is Jemma going to hear good news?"

Sierra didn't respond; her mind clouded with thoughts of Lydia's phone and the alpha.

Stiles called out her name and raised his eyebrows when she whipped her head towards him. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," she nodded and smiled at Noah. "And I hope so. I've been working really hard. She's heading there straight from work. I won't see her until after. Is it okay if I stay here while you guys are gone?"

"You are always welcome," Noah reminded her happily. "Maybe you guys can have that movie night with Scott?"

"Scott has to go to the meeting with his mom," Stiles informed him with a wince. "He's not doing so hot right now."

The sheriff nodded in understanding and told them to behave while he was gone, as he had to check out a few things at the station before heading towards the school.

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