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ONE THING Sierra had planned to do that night was actually complete her homework and maybe turn in early to get a good sleep for once. However, that all changed the minute Stiles blew up her cell-phone, urgently asking her to pick him up from Boyd's house. "Jemma, can I use your car?" Sierra asked as she walked into the living room, shrugging on a light jacket.

The brunette looked up from where she was sitting on the couch, a mug of coffee in her hands, with her dark eyebrows raised to receive a reason. "Stiles is having car trouble and I need to pick him up," Sierra explained more clearly and the sides of Jemma's lips turned up.

She teased her younger sister, amused by the slight blush that appeared on the sophomore's cheeks. "Awe, look at you being his little hero," she gushed. "I swear you two are so cute."

"We're not even together," Sierra told her bashfully and Jemma just waved her hand.

"Details, details," she dismissed and then sat up a little straighter. "You know, you might get together sooner if you, oh I don't know, tell him that you like him?"

Sierra stood with pursed lips, awkwardly fidgeting with the zipper on her jacket before she cleared her throat. "When did this become about me?" She demanded and moved her hands to her hips. "Can I have the car or not?"

Jemma shrugged. "If you want it, take it. The keys were on the hook the whole time."

An annoyed groan escaped Sierra's lips and she made a point to stomp over to the front door where the metal keys dangled from a black hook. She didn't say a word as she exited her home and only rolled her eyes at the sound of her sister chuckling out a goodbye. "Drive safe!"

Using the directions Stiles texted her, it only took her about fifteen minutes to pull up beside the old blue jeep and the pale boy, who was sitting on the curb with his phone in his hands. At the sound of the engine, his whiskey eyes flickered up and his face brightened at the sight of her coming to his rescue. She unlocked the passenger door to allow him to get in and once he was buckled, started to drive them home. "So, can you tell me why you were at Boyd's house?"

She hadn't been at lunch with them earlier today, and had missed the revealing of Derek picking their classmate as another beta. As Stiles explained that he had come to find Boyd to stop him from getting the bite, Sierra frowned.

Boyd was a person she sometimes passed in the hall, but he always looked so shy and kept to himself. When Stiles said that the new werewolf told Scott that all he wanted was to not sit alone at lunch, it broke her heart. No one deserves to eat alone at lunch; she had always just presumed that he ate alone because he wanted to, not because he didn't have friends. "Wait a second," she stopped his recall. "Did you say Erica hit you in the head?"

"Yeah," Stiles confirmed with a nod, glancing at her. "She hit me with something from my jeep, that's why I needed you to pick me up."


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