I want you~6

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(Okay lets pretend that the ship is going to dock)

Today was the day, you both were getting ready to live your life together. You decided to wear your favourite summer dress.

 You decided to wear your favourite summer dress

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You sat on the bed, caressing Jacks face.

(Jack slept with you in your private stateroom.)

"Good Morning, my lovely Jack~"

"AgHuah," Jack says as he yawns, throughout his stretches. "(Y/N), so gorgeous, as usual"

You chuckle as you look down. He holds the bottom of your chin, as he lightly lifts it up, giving you a quick kiss, you could feel him smiling during the kiss.

"Oh, Jack, I wish we could do this all day, but the Crew have a shipful of people to unboard, so we must be off."

He smiled, quickly pecking your cheek.

You exit the room, while you looking in the Newspapers for places to live. You found a couple, but wanted to surprise Jack with a wonderful new home.

  You found a couple, but wanted to surprise Jack with a wonderful new home

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You instructed the Maid to arrange this house to be bought. This house was in Wisconsin, a walks away to the nearest waterfall, the back of this house had an acre as a backyard, with the ocean behind. You thought it was perfect.

The conformation was made, you and Jack were officially the new owners of this house.

You instructed the first carload to be sent to this address.

Jack came out of the room, a grin across his charming face.

"(Y/N), I've gotta go say good bye to my friends if that's okay, I'll meet you at the car."

You nodded, Jack came and gave you a kiss on your jawline.

You exited the Suite, walking down the hall, as you felt a presence behind you, you thought it was nothing, as you kept on walking, it stayed. You turned to see Cal, holding a gun to directed to your head. The crew members stood there, as fear filled the room.

"(Y/N), If I can't have you, NO-ONE CAN!" He shouted, silence came around.

"Cal, please dont, you simply can't marry a person you dont love!" You gently spoke back, trying to keep him calm.

"I didn't love you! I adored you! You were... were everything I wanted! (Y/n), I want you!" Cal cried.

"Cal, I dont love you, I never did." You slowly walked back.

Cal stopped, as all the blood drained from his face, he fell back against the wall, looking at me, then shooting himself in the head. You looked in terror, scared, but he shouldn't of ever treated you the way he did. The crew members came, grabbed him by the legs and arms, as they carried him away.

You turned as you walked away. You got to the exit, as you felt a hand on your waist. You looked to your left as you saw Jack smiling at you.

"Ready to go my Queen?" Jack smirked, bowing, as he took your hand.

"Yes, my King."

You exited the titanic, holding an umbrella with your left hand with Jacks hand in your left.

You ordered the Crew Members to get a private chauffeur, as you left to arrive at your new surprise house.


SORRY its a shorter chapter, but yeh.

I'll make it up to you in a future chapter~

I hope you all will find your Jack~



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