You first ~ 19

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After the bags were packed and the food was prepared, you skipped along out onto the front patio. You twirled around as your dress spun around you, gently brushed against your legs. As you turned, your eyes met Jacks figure, with a basket in one hand and a bag in the other, he made his way out of the doorway, locking the door. His alluring smile beamed in the sunlight, as his radiant white teeth shone too. 

He let out a gentle laugh, as you made way to the horses. Ever since Jack taught you to ride, you've never stopped travelling by horse ever since. Every time you mounted onto the horse, a warm feeling developed in your heart. It was a secret love connection to Jack, without him having to be physically there.

As you mounted your horse, Jack came over to check over the saddle, as he attached one of the bags onto the saddle. The morning sky was mostly blue with a speckle of cloud here and there, the radiant sun shone onto the earth, amitting a nice and gentle warmth.

With a quick idea of mischief sprung into your head, you watched Jack walkover to his horse, as soon as he turned his back from you, you struck the reigns, sending your horse galloping down the open road. You heard an amused laugh coming from behind. 

"Catch me if you can!" You shouted, laughing as you travelled further and further down the road.

After a while, the exhilaration wared off, your heartbeat began to settle. The open road suddenly became awfully quiet. You turned around to check where Jack was, concerningly he wasn't behind you.

"Y/n, you think you can outrun me?" Jack laughed. 

You immediately spun back around, seeing Jack mounted on his horse in front of you.

"But.. how.. did...  I.. was.." You stuttered. 

"Ahh my sweet soul, I know every secret Westconsin has. Including the shortcuts." Jack winked.

"Oh, I see, well..." 

Again, you struck the reins, this time, your Caramel coloured horse Autumn gave an even better effort, she galloped off faster than she ever had before. The cool breeze swept through your (h/c) hair, as you travelled down the road.

You heard distant galloping coming louder and louder as each second passed. You turned around, instantly regretting it, to see your Husband whizz off past you. Not letting yourself claim defeat, you encouraged Autumn to go faster. Jack and you were so close, it was a complete mystery who actually won. But personally, you knew it was you who truly won.

"See, Jack, that's how you beat your soul mate. It was surprisingly easy, if I say so myself!" You laughed, dismounted off of Autumn, as Jack gripped onto your waist, offering a hand down.

"Haha! Well, I'm not sure you won, but it was pretty close!" You gently kissed his cheek, as you began unhitching the bags off of the saddle, as Jack unlatched the basket off of his.

"Ready M'lady?" Jack grinned, as he offered his arm.

"Yes, my Kind Sir." You smiled, as you enwrapped your arm in his.

You both made way to the Waterfall, as you made your way down a little track. You had never actually been to this waterfall, but Jack has always fantasised of taking you there. Jack would describe this place as a gorgeous everlasting flow of crystal blue water, that would lap over onto the land surrounding the little lake forming below, he would also describe it so perfectly, you could almost visualize it in your mind. 

As you turned the corner, your eyes met this beautiful overflow of water. It exceeded your expectation completely, it was absolutely gorgeous.

You dropped the bag which was clenched in your hands, your mouth was gaped,  as you were in absolute awe of this beautiful scenery surrounding you

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You dropped the bag which was clenched in your hands, your mouth was gaped,  as you were in absolute awe of this beautiful scenery surrounding you. You got so distracted, you hadn't realised Jack had set up a little picnic on a sheet before the water's edge. You fell out of this daydream as you heard a cough. You turned around to see a beautiful layout.

Jack was standing before the setup, as he began lifting up his shirt, up and over his head, revealing his perfectly chiselled body

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Jack was standing before the setup, as he began lifting up his shirt, up and over his head, revealing his perfectly chiselled body. As he pulled off the shirt, he looked up at you innocently, as he smirked.

Your face went into a light blush, although you've been married for a while now.

"You still blushing after all these years? I thought you'd get over that by now Hun," Jack joked, as he walked over to you, his fingers gently traced over the zip of your dress. Carefully, he pulled the zip down, causing your dress to slip down off of your body, revealing a gorgeous bikini underneath.

 Carefully, he pulled the zip down, causing your dress to slip down off of your body, revealing a gorgeous bikini underneath

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Jack's eyes fell, as he bit his lip.

"Ready for a swim?" You whispered, glancing up into his eyes.

"More than ready, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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