5; 'Call Me A Cactus, I'm Prickly'

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Sunday went by quickly and now Monday has come around much too fast. Most of my Sunday was spent completing any homework I had and trying to keep my mind off of Blake. Something about him made my blood boil and I no longer felt happy; I no longer wanted to be nice when I was with him.

The day seemed to be going mostly slow, the first 3 classes of the day dragging out so that it felt like I'd been there for 3 days rather than 3 hours. But, lunch finally comes around and I couldn't be happier. I move quickly down the halls, forgetting how slippery the floors are, and, of course, I fall flat on my bum. 

I groan in pain, rubbing my hands together as they took most of the impact when I fell, now stinging from slapping onto the slippery, flat floor. I look at the floor for a couple of seconds, taking in what happened when a hand is extended in my direction. I look up and see Blake with a large smirk on his face.

Instead of taking his hand, I attempt to get back up on my own, only to slip and fall again, causing an annoyed groan from me and a chuckle from Blake. I unwillingly take his hand and he hoists me up off the floor, other students looking on in wonder at Blake helping someone. When he notices, he growls at the onlookers and they quickly flee.

"You don't have to be so mean," I comment, sending apologetic smiles to some of the students who are fleeing from Blake's vision.

"Shut up, Green," he grumbles and walks away, leaving me in the middle of the hall. I roll my eyes and thank a few people who ask if I'm okay after seeing me fall.

I make my way into the cafeteria, slumping down in my seat next to Paige with a huff. I pull my shake out of my bag, not wanting to eat lunch today because I was training for track today after school.

"Something tells me that you've encountered Blake," Liam laughs, chowing down on his beefburger. I roll my eyes, taking a sip of my shake.

"Call me a cactus, I'm prickly, ok! It's just... Blake's so mean to everyone!" I exclaim in annoyance. "I know it's hard to be happy all the time, but he's never nice."

"You manage too," Paige comments, giving me a pointed look.

"I try to be nice, but he puts me in a crabby mood. He helped me up off the floor, then yelled at other students. I mean, he's never nice, no wonder they watched on in wonder!"

Neither answer and just look at me in shock, and it takes me a moment before I realize that I'd just told them that he helped me. Blake Dixon was helpful. Wow.

"So..." Paige trails off, looking from me to over me. Once again, I know who's behind me.

I don't turn around, I don't look up, and I'm not as peppy as I usually am as I say, "what is it, Dixon?"

"You know you're the only one who calls me that, right, Green?"

"You know you're the only one to call me that?" I retort, mocking his tone.

I hear him huff before feeling him flop down on the seat next to me. I continue to avoid his gaze, sipping on my chocolate shake with a displeased look on my face. He looks at Paige and Liam, who quickly look down at their plates, obviously intimidated by him. "We're doing something after school," he demands, earning a scoff from me.

"I'm busy," I retort simply.

"You're lying," Blake accuses me.

"I've got track!" I exclaim, looking at my friends, who don't defend me. He looks at me skeptically before huffing and walking away. I turn to my friends in disbelief. "What was that?!"

"I wasn't risking my life because you wanna die!" Liam exclaims dramatically, waving his hands around like a lunatic.

I can't help but laugh, shaking my head. "I don't want to die, I just can't stand how mean he is. And I can't stand how he thinks he has a right to have and control everything."

The lunch bell rings and we all groan, not ready to resume a long day of school. Mondays were always so terrible, with stupid lessons, and from being tired from the weekend. I only had one class after lunch, and last lesson was free period, so after History I made my way to the library, catching up on my maths for I am not the best at that subject in particular.

After school ends, I say goodbye to my friends and make my way down to the field, having already changed at the end of last period. I'm now in sports leggings, a pink sports bra, and a tiger effect sports jacket, paired with bright pink trainers.

I spend nearly two hours on the field with my coach, Mr.Franks. We go through warm up routines, pace and stamina control, and finish with a couple of laps around the football field. Considering it had been nearly 3 weeks since we trained together, Mr.Franks was impressed with how I'd kept up with the sport. "Thank you, Mr.Franks. I'll see you Thursday," I smile. He high-fives me and I walk away, adjusting my ponytail as I walk up the stairs to the school car park, heading for the exit.

I'm stopped halfway up the steps after someone from the bleachers stands right next to me. "You weren't lying," the voice speaks, slightly annoyed but obviously admitting defeat.

I hang my head, rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand. "No, I actually do track," I mumble and start walking up the stairs again. "Were you there the whole time?" I question, looking at Blake quizzically.

"Yeah," he mumbles, sounding embarrassed before he perks back up no becoming his normal self again. "So, we're still doing something."

"I look terrible, it's late, and I'm not really fond of you," I reply, now making my way across the parking lot to the exit so that I can walk home.

"Oh, come on, do something spontaneous for once!" He declares, stopping dead in front of me. "Come on, Green. You're so stubborn and annoying!" He complains, making me smile.

"I know, thank you. But if you believe this, then why are you competing for my attention?"

"I'm not, I just thought you needed help," he says, his tone sharp again. "You're so boring, I'm fun. Simple." I continue to walk down the sidewalk, not saying a word to him as he trails behind me. "Green," he almost whines, causing a laugh to escape me.

"What?" I try to ask with a straight face but couldn't stop myself smiling. He sounded like a child who couldn't get the toy he wanted.

"Oh, fuck it," he huffs, once again walking away from me. I roll my eyes, not understanding his mood swings. I watch as his figure becomes smaller and smaller until it disappears completely.

I continue walking, going in a different direction to my house. I decided that I wanted a coffee, and not the instant rubbish I can make at home, so with that, I make my way to Starbucks. I walk in and I'm enveloped by the smell of fresh coffee, luring me to the counter to buy my own. I decide to treat myself, so I buy myself a cookie and sit down at a table and take my time eating and drinking, scrolling aimlessly through Facebook. 

When I check the time it's nearly 10pm and now completely dark outside. Biting my lip, I slowly make my way outside, zipping up my jacket as the crisp air brushes along my shoulders. I look around, slightly nervous at how dark it was, but my house was only a 15 minute walk away.

I start making my way home but noises distract me. They were unnerving, but I couldn't help but quietly follow them, curiosity getting the better of me. When I find the source of the noise, I see two figures down a dark alley, one relentlessly laying into the other, punch after punch being delivered to numerous parts of the body. I cringe, gasping quietly, but not quiet enough because the attacker notices me and lets his victim drop, stepping out of the dark.

"Green?" The voice asks, my eyes widening when I see Blake stood there, small splatters of bloody on his shirt from what I assume is his victims nose. Before he could say anything else I take off running in the direction of my house as fast as possible, not giving him time to catch up with me. Once home, I check my window and lock the door, making sure there's no way he could get into my room.

Once I calm down, I'm sat on the edge of my bed. The image of the mystery man, laying on the floor of the alley haunts me. Blake, standing in the light of the street lamp, splatters of blood on his shirt and red, raw, cut knuckles float around my mind as I lay down and attempt to sleep.

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