11; 'Late Night Swim?'

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I look over at Paige and Liam in fear, where I see them both waving furiously at me to return to them and leave. I would have, but I'm frozen in place, standing in the middle of the pool as my eyes return back to the large house. I can see directly into the sliding glass doors and realization hits me; that's the kitchen. I hurry to get out of the pool, just about making it to the wall as the light switches on.

Picture this; being pressed against the wall, barely two inches away from the door where the bad boy is probably getting drinks on the other side of the only thing keeping you away from the threat. That's me; as water drips from my body I'm pressed against the wall. I lean a little to the left, peaking inside only to see Blake making himself a sandwich. I quickly return to my position, chewing my lip harshly. Not only would I be caught, but I'd be caught by the person who seriously hates me but wants me to fall in love with him. Could this night get any worse?

It's almost as if someone, whatever higher power there is, hears my thoughts and blesses me with a dang sneeze! I try hard to hold it in, but a high pitched sneeze passes my lips, causing every movement from the kitchen to stop abruptly. I silently curse whoever is watching right now, pressing myself closer to the wall. I see a shadow getting bigger and bigger, realizing that he's getting closer to the doors.

I look over to the fence just in time to see Liam and Paige bailing, obviously hiding behind the fence in order not to get caught. I panic as I hear the lock being turned, turning on my heel and heading to the side of the house, now hiding in the small space between the side of the house and the gate of the garden.

I peak my head around the corner, watching someone emerge from the sliding patio doors, but I'm shocked when I see Carter look around, obviously looking for me. I nearly jump out of my skin when Liam taps my shoulder, but I thankfully refrain from making any more noise. He's perched on top of the gate, reaching an arm down to me. I thankfully grab it, locking my hand around his wrist, his hand locking onto mine. He hoists me quickly across the gate, lowering my before dropping down himself.

I watch him run off to the car as I slip my shoes back on, jogging to the front of the house as I pull my jacket on. Before I'm able to do the zip up, and before I'm able to reach the path that lead to the front gate of the house, an arm wraps around my waist and hoists me back, earning a squeak from me.

I look over to Paige's car, seeing the passenger door open and Liam scrambling out to come rescue me. As he's running forward, whoever has me is running backwards, towards the front door. It was like one of those dreams, one that, no matter how quick you run or how hard you try, you never reach the thing right in front of you. That was happening, and as the door closed and Liam's face, reality sunk and, and I started fighting against the person holding me to their chest, kicking and flailing in an attempt to escape.

I hear pounding on the door, it loud and eccentric, and I find it ironic that my heart is pounding exactly the same way as Liam's hands are on the outside of the large, red doors. I hear a chuckle from behind me, the noise resonating through my kidnappers chest, right into my back. I slowly stop fighting, the noise sending a small shiver down my spine. "Dixon?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey, Green," he hums back, talking quietly into my ear. When his breath fans across my ear and neck I can't help the warm feeling inside me as a shiver, once again, makes it's way down my spine.

Despite this, I'm still very aware of what's happening and I know that if Blake doesn't let me leave, or if Liam doesn't stop banging on the door, attraction will be drawn and the rest of the boys will come down to investigate. I don't really fancy being caught by Mason himself, and so I find myself speaking, "Liam, stop, I'm fine!" The banging stops and I can only imagine his relief; I know for a fact that he's running his hands through is blond hair in stress and I can't help but smile at the image, a small giggle escaping my lips. Blake growls behind me, causing my happy mood to drop. I detected anger, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. "I'll call you, or meet you. I won't miss seeing you both again before you leave, I promise," I say reassuringly.

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