13; 'You Can Call Me Whatever You Want'

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It's been nearly a week since Blake and I went to the lake, and things were... different. The fighting and vicious pranks had died down between us. There was still pranks against me, like when he undid the top of the salt but placed it on top so that when I went to use it the lid fell and the whole pot of salt went onto my food. This was the majority of pranks; small, petty pranks. It is almost like a switch had flicked inside him and I could tell he was trying his best not to lose his patients with me.

Blake had spent most of the week at our house, hanging with Toby, so I saw him almost every day. I had spent most of my time in my room, occasionally going to CoffeeFour to get out of the house.

It's now Monday and it dawned on my that it's been a week since Paige and Liam had left and we had scarcely spoken. I make myself comfortable on my bed, grinning as they confirm to me that they're both free and able to FaceTime as a group.

"Guys!" I nearly scream, smiling widely as both friends answer my call. "I've missed you so much!" I cry out, Liam and Paige laughing at me.

"You're so dramatic! We've been gone a week, not a month," Liam chuckles, a wide grin on his lips, my own lips mimicking his grin.

"How is it at home?" Paige asks, her eyes squinting a little from the sun. I could see that she was sat on a blue and yellow, striped sun lounging chair by the pool, her skin considerably more tan than before she left. Liam, on the other hand, looked to be in a hotel room. I vaguely remember him saying he had his own so that he and his parents didn't evade each other's privacy.

"It was pretty cold most of last week but the sun has come out today. Fingers crossed that it'll stay like this for the rest of the weekend," I grin, actually crossing my fingers, showing the camera for them both to see. "How's it over there?" I ask.

The next 20 minutes are spent listening to Paige and Liam separately describe their antics abroad, and I can't help but feel happy for them, no matter how much I long to be in a different country, soaking up the sun. Not that I would tan; I'm forever doomed to be a long lost member of the Addams Family.

We spend another half an hour chatting away as if we weren't hundreds of miles away from each other. "You're cute when you're happy," A voice chimes from the door. Liam, Paige, and I all fall silent as I look up to my door. I blush slightly, seeing Blake leaning against my door frame with a wide grin on his lips, a brow raised at me.

"Get out, freak! Stop eves dropping," I whine, unable to hide the smile on my face.

"Oh now, Green. That wasn't very nice," he tuts playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I eye him wearily, watching every movement. "Hello Green's friends," Blake calls. I had completely forgotten about the call and look down at my phone, seeing the confusion on my friends face.

"Get out!" I huff, throwing a pillow at Blake. It was a pathetic attempt really as he caught the pillow without an issue. His grin spreads further across his face, causing my own smile to drop as I realize what a mistake I had made. "No!" I scream, but the pillow came hurdling back at me, hitting my arm harshly.

"See ya, Green," Blake says, sending me a wink before leaving my room, thankfully closing the door behind me.

I finally look back to my phone when I heard Liam clear his throat. "What the hell was that?" I hear Paige ask, and that's when realization hit. When they left Blake wanted to end my life, and I hadn't told them about Wednesday night.

"It's a long story," I mumble, my cheeks bright red. They both give me a pointed look, causing me to roll my eyes with a huff. 

I spent 10 minutes explaining what had transpired between us, leaving out the part he said to me about why he's the way he is. At the end of the story, both look skeptical, but it's Liam who speaks up. "What about his 'mission'?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows, obviously confused. 

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