8; 'Slight Of Hand Magic'

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My friends decided the only advice they had for me was to forget this whole thing and leave him alone. Liam continued to declare how proud he was of me for becoming a little less tolerant, but then proceeded to agree with Paige, telling me to stop adding fuel to the fire that was burning bright in front of me.

This discussion at lunch had put me in a sour mood for the rest of the day but could not distract me completely from people around the school who needed help. 

Last period I see a short, blond girl running into the restroom, crying. It just wasn't in my nature to leave her, and I so I followed her, seeing the whole room empty, implying she was in the locked stall at the far end of the room.

I shuffle awkwardly on my feet, leaning against the sinks as I hear her quiet sobs echo through the room. I chew my lips nervously before speaking up, "you don't know me, but I can try to help." When I hear the sobs quiet down I know for sure that she heard me, but immediately after the sobs continue, the stall door unlocking but not opening.

I take it upon myself to step forward, announcing that I'm opening the door. There's no protest, so I push the door open slowly to see her crouched, back leaning against the stall wall, her feet underneath her to keep her off the dirty floor. I offer her a hand and she takes it, allowing me to help her to her feet. The moment we're out of the stall she falls into my arms, sobbing into my should.

I stand awkwardly, rubbing her back and humming soothing words before she finally calms down, five minutes after attaching herself to me. "I must seem so stupid," she laughs bitterly, now looking in the mirror, attempting to fix her, now red and puffy eyes, with makeup. I found out that she was only a year bellow me, but hadn't really met her because, although a year younger than I, we are in two very social groups.

"What happened?" I ask, now leaning against the wall as I watch her attempt to salvage her makeup.

"Rumors," he answers simply, rolling her eyes with a sigh. "Rumors that have gone to far."

I furrow my eyebrows. I hadn't heard a rumor about a Debby before. "May I ask what?"

"That I'm an easy slut," she says, her words bitter, a little choke emitting from her throat as she says 'slut'.

I nod my head, frowning in disappointment at the rumor. I don't understand why things like this entertain high schoolers but I'll never know because all that I feel for Debby is pity. These past ten minutes letting me get to know her. I didn't think she was a slut; maybe a little confident, and open, but it seems like she has barely, if at all, slept with anyone.

"It's that stupid group. They think they rule the world. They spread the rumor because talk of the school said I was getting close to Brett."

I frown deeper and push myself off the wall, walking to stand beside her. "Debby?" I ask tentatively, earning a nod in response. "Are you talking about Blake Dixon and his friends?" I chew my lip, hoping to any higher force that it is not. When she nods again, her eyes a little wider I can't help but roll my eyes. "Come with me," I demand as we walk out of the school, a plan forming in my head.


I watch on, smiling gently at Debby as she waits in front of Blake's motorcycle, shuffling her feet nervously. I needed to do this, for myself and for the sake of Debby.

I fall back a little behind the tree I'm standing next to, watching Blake walk out of the building and straight over to Debby, his friends trailing behind him. I watch as a conversation transpires and she looks at me pleadingly. I take my opportunity and start walking over. None of them notice me until I've knocked into Blake, causing him to tumble a little.

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