Chapter Two

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'Wake up Lauren' Harry said hitting me on the head with a pillow.

'Five more minutes' I said sleepily.

'Lazy lump get you or else I pour cold water over you' he smirked.

'No you wouldn't' I muttered.

Harry got up walking out of the room.

He came back in five minutes later, when I was slowly drifting off again.

 'Rise and shine Larkin!' Harry yelled pouring freezing cold water over me, waking me instantly.

'What the....Harry!!' I shot up glaring at him water dripping down my forehead.

Harry was smirking. 'You should thank me for waking you'

'Not if you poured cold water over me you twat' I said getting out of the bed. 'The bed is soaked now, thanks Harry'

'No problem' he said proudly.

'I will kill you' I said turning to him.

'You wouldn't dare'

I nodded. 'Five seconds to run'

'Only fi-'

'Now four'

He jumped and ran out of the room.

'Three, two, one' I said quickly before dashing out of the room after him.

Liam's Point of View:

'Help help!' Harry shouted thundered down the stairs.

'What did Harry do now?' Zayn questioned as he looked at Niall 

'No idea' Niall shrugged. 

I was putting toast on the plate as Harry barged into the kitchen as I picked up the toast and was just about to put the plate on the table when Harry knocked the plate right out of my hand.

The plate crashed on the floor smashing into pieces and the toast, which was Nialler's toast was on the floor.

'Nooooo! Not the toast!' Niall yelled. 

'The plate! My mother bought me that' I said.

'But the food' Niall said jumping up from the seat.

'It's only food Nialler' Harry said.

'Hey! I was hungry' 

'Always are' Harry nodded, as he hid under the table.

'Who are you hiding from?' Louis asked looking at him under the table.

'Lauren, I poured cold water over her'

'Not good'

Lauren walked into the kitchen 'Harry I can see you under the table, come out'

'No' he said looking at lauren.

'Alright fine, I won't kill you' 


She nodded 'promise'

Harry got out from under the table and sat next to Louis.

'Need a hand cleaning Liam?' Lauren asked looking at me.

'Please' I smiled, looking into her crystal blue eyes.

'Love is in the air everywhere I look around' Niall, Zayn, Louis and Harry sang together, making Lauren and I blush at the same time.

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