Chapter Sixteen

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Caution: Mature Scene going on here so if your 14 or younger please close your eyes and sing a happy tune. lol.. I blame my friend for talking me into Fifty Shades of Grey.. It changed me... A LOT..  I never thought I'd be writing something like this.. Dammit... Enjoy anyway.. :)

Liam's Point of View:

'New York is Amazing!' Sophie exclaimed as we walked back to the hotel after dinner.

'Yeah it is... Oh you know what we should do we should see a Broadway show before we leave...' Eleanor said excitedly.

I nudged Lauren slightly as she looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. 'Yeah babe?'

I leaned in and whispered in her ear 'Tell them,'

'Now?' she whispered back.

I nodded 'Yeah..'

'Guys? I have to tell you's something...' Lauren said as we stopped outside the hotel.

'What? You're not pregnant are you?' Louis joked.

'No No.. Definitely not...'

'What is it then Laurie?' 

'Today Liam and I ran into the casting director of the Broadway show I was in before and their lead who had my part has laryngitis so they asked me to come back just until she's better...'

'Really?' Sophie smiled.

'Yeah.. And... You guys are coming to the show tomorrow, I got free tickets so you guys are all invited,' I grinned.

'Wooo! How long are you going for this time?' Zayn chuckled 'Liam will be missing you again'

'Shut up' I said with a blush.

'Bad Language Liam!' Louis gasped.

'Sorry' I mumbled.

'I think I'm going to be here a few weeks...'

Eleanor and Sophie frowned 'So you're not going back to London with us?'

Lauren shook her head 'Unfortunately not guys... sorry'

We walked into the hotel, walking over to the elevator.

'Well this was a great couple’s night' Eleanor grinned leaning against Louis as we got into the elevator.

'Yeah it really was' Zayn nodded.

'We should all go out again when we are home in London' I added in as we stepped out onto our floor.

 'That would be great' Sophie said with a grin as she took hold of Zayn's hand once again.

'Goodnight guys see you in the morning' Louis said with yawn.

'See you tomorrow guys' Lauren replied as she took out the room key and waved to Sophie, Zayn, Louis and Eleanor as they left heading towards their room.

'Tired babe?' I asked Lauren as I closed the door behind me as we got into the room.

'Not really' she smiled as she put down her bag on the sofa walking over to me. 'Why?' 

I shrugged and smirked a little.

'What's on your mind Mr Payne?' she giggled lightly, looking down on the ground to hide her blush.

I lifted her chin and pressed my lips against hers. All of my other thoughts subsided as our lips moved in sync, and my tongue entered her mouth. I pulled her closer against me until there was no space between us. 'Jump,' I mumbled as I broke the kiss, sliding my hands down to the back of her upper thigh. She tightened my grip around my neck and jumped up wrapping her legs around my waist.

My lips met hers once again as I started walking toward the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed taking off my shirt before lying on top of Lauren, kissing down her neck. She let out a soft moan as I gently sucked her neck. She traced my abs while I tugged at the hem of my dress, pulling it over her head, and throwing it somewhere on the ground.

I kissed down her neck to the top of her breast, unclasping her bra. She unbuttoned my trousers and I kicked them off my legs. I Reconnected my lips to hers once again kissing her deeply as she let out another moan. I moaned as she did, I broke the kiss and started to kiss her skin stopping at her underwear, gently tugging them down.

We all now what happened next after that.......


Breathing heavily, I pulled out lying next to her. She snuggled up to my side tracing patterns on my bare skin. I wrapped my arm around her waist and I slowly kissed her forehead she looked up into my eyes with a smile then she kissed my lips softly, ‘I love you Liam’ she whispered against my lips.

‘I love you too Baby’ I grinned as I pressed my lips back against hers.

‘We should sleep now babe’ she said with a whisper as she broke the kiss.

I nodded in agreement and pulled her close again me.

‘Night babe’ I smiled, pressing my lips against her forehead.

‘Night Liam’ she said barely audible before slowly falling asleep.

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