Chapter Fifteen

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Lauren's Point of View:

'El?' I shout from my bedroom.

'Yeah?' she replies casually as she walked in, stopping dead as she sees me. She gives me an apprising sort of look before stating, 'You’re not dressed yet...' As if she expected more form me.

'Sorry-‘I reply helplessly, ”- I just don't know what to wear,' I half-wail as root through my bag desperately flinging clothes everywhere. 

'Hmm...what about the flowered one?' She suggests steeping neatly to the side to avoid an airborne bikini top. I straighten up to look at her. She’s taking this very calmly for someone who’s plucking one of my socks of her shoulder.

'Can I use your straightener?' Ah, so that’s why. 

'Yeah of course you can,' I tell her as I take the dress out of the wardrobe and place it on the bed. 

Eleanor began to straighten her hair as I went to the bathroom to change and apply my make. 

'Lauren? Want me to keep the straightner on?' she asked me, leaning out the bedroom door so I could hear her. 

'Yeah please,' I say gratefully as I walk back out to Eleanor.

'That dress is beautiful on you' She smiles, handing me the straightener.

'Thanks Eleanor,‘ I gush, going a little red. ‘Your dress is beautiful too,' I compliment her sincerely. 

'Thanks Louis bought it for me,' She gave a little twirl obviously frilled with the gift. 

'Awww so sweet,’ I coo before telling her with as straight a face as possible ‘Get married already,' 

She laughs lightly 'Maybe one day,'

'No nowwwwwww,' I dragged out the word, whining like a child,

She patted me lightly on the head as if I was a dog that had done something silly but adorable (at least she managed not to mess up my now straightened hair) before instructing, 'Come on you let's go, Liam and Louis will be waiting for us, then we have to meet Zayn and Soph at the restaurant,’

'Okay,' I nod obediently as I walk out with her.

Liam and Louis were playing a game on the xbox as we walked into the room.

Liam glanced up as we walked into the room, nudging Louis.

Louis put down the controller getting up and walking over to Eleanor 'You look beautiful'

She blushed slightly as she pecked Louis on the lips 'Thank you'

'Just telling you the truth babe' he grinned.

Liam smiles at me widely 'You look stunning babe,'

'Thank you Liam. You look very handsome,' I replied as he wraps his arms around me, pecking me a few times on the lips.

'We ready to go?' Louis asks eagerly, before demanding 'Liam stop kissing my best friend,'

'No,' Liam replies stubbornly and he kissed me once again as if to show his defiance.

I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him as I kissed him sweetly.

'Guy's, Guy's!' I could hear Eleanor and Louis chanting in union as they tried to get our attention, but it was if their voices very fading into the distance, the slight annoying static you could hear behind your favourite song on the radio. But you put up with the noise because the harmony is filling you with joy, zipping you off to a whole over world. Though just like any other great song there is always an end and as he finally pulls away I feel the same kind of disappointment. Why couldn’t the D.J have left it on for just a little longer?

'Later' He whispers quietly in my ear as he slips his hand into mine.

I nodded and giggled lightly.

'Okay, Are you's ready to go now?' Louis asked.

'Yes' I answered, as Liam pulled me close against his tonned body.

'Great, let's go and your explainning why we will be late' Eleanor laughs as she walks out with Louis.

'Fine' I call after her as Liam and I walked out after them.

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