Chapter Seven

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'Wish you didn't have to go' I frowned hugging my boyfriend goodbye on Monday morning at the airport.

'I'll miss you so much Lauren' Liam hugged me back tightly.

'I'll miss you so much too'

'Liam, Louis! We have to go' Paul shouted from over at security.

'Okay, I'm coming!' Louis called back, looking back at Eleanor and kissing her.

I looked at Liam and sighed.

'I'll see you soon okay?' Liam said pecking me on the Lips. 'You and Eleanor will be over in a few weeks when we are in L.A'

'It will be a very slow few weeks though..'

He pulled me into another hug.

'Liam you coming?' Louis patted him on the shoulder.

'Yeah I am' he nodded as he picked up his bag, kissing me again. 'I love you Lauren, I'll ring you tonight'

'Okay, safe flight to all of you's' I said hugging my best friend Louis. I waved at Niall, Harry and Zayn as they held a spot in line with Paul they waved back at me and Eleanor, they already hugged us back in the apartment.

'Right we really have to go now' Louis said kissing Eleanor again before running over to the lads.

'Bye Liam' I said again, trying not to tear up.

'Bye babe' he frowned, kissing my forehead and running over to the boys.

I looked at Eleanor who was tearing up again, I hugged her tightly.

'Just a few weeks and we will see them again'

'I know' she said hugging me back.

We took one more look over at the boys before they headed through security.

Liam's Point of View

'Liam want anything?' Nialler asked me as he walked into the shop.

'No thanks Niall, I'm fine' I smiled slightly.

'Cheer up mate' Niall said, putting his hand on his shoulder. 'You weren't like this the time Lauren went to New York for a few months'

'But she wasn't my girlfriend then man' I said picking up the a magazine seeing a picture of Lauren and I kissing in London on Saturday when we were in London. We started dating on Friday and now it's in magazines and everything, if they didn't see it then they would've found out today anyway.

The heading said: 

It's official Liam kissing Louis Tomlinson's best friend and broadway singer Lauren Larkin. 

Niall was buying pringles and a bag of malteasers.

Harry was messing around with Zayn and Louis, trying to cheer Louis up as this was his first time away from Eleanor too.

I bought the magazine and walked over to the lads again.

Niall walked over eating the malteasers and Harry came over and robbed one popping it in his mouth.

'What?! Why must you steal my food?! I don't share food!!'

'Calm down Nialler, It's only one'

'Still, it's my food!'

Louis walked over and stole two this time.

'Oh my god! You too? You know what.. I'll just go and buy another packet then' he said stuffing the malteasers into his bag and heading towards the shop again.

 'The day Niall shares his food with a girl is the day we know she is his special someone'  Zayn said to me as I sat down.

'Yeah that will be a shocker when he shares food' Harry replied, sitting on Zayn's lap.

Louis was over looking at the departure board. He walked back over and sat down.

'Anything?' I asked.

'Nope not yet, gate number has to be shown'

'Typical airports' Zayn said.

'I know' Louis nodded sitting next to me.

 I glanced at the time 'Think we should go find Paul, he's probably looking for us now that we ran off on him'

'Ah give him five more minutes he will find us eventually' Harry said leaning back on Zayn. 'You're really comfortable Zayn, Sophie's a lucky girl.'

Louis laughed lightly.

'Yeah thanks Harry, now will you please get off me, I can't feel my legs'

Harry laughed and shook his head 'Make me' he stuck out his tongue at Zayn.

Zayn smirked and pushed Harry off his knee and Harry landed on his bum on the ground. 'Not fair!'

'Well you wouldn't get off so' Zayn laughed.

Niall walked back over with another bag of malteasers.

'What took you so long Nialler?' Louis asked.

'Some fans wanted a picture and some autographs' he chuckled.

He nodded. 'Did you at least check the board before you walked back over?'

'No you go check it, least you could do after stealing my food'

'Lazy bugger' Louis laughed and got up walking back over to the board walking quickly back over. 'Gate 97, it's a fifteen minute walk so we should go over now'

'Aw fuck sake' Niall moaned.

'Don't worry Nialler I'll give you a piggy back' Harry chuckled.

'Aw really... Hold on whats the catch?' he raised his eyebrow getting up.

I laughed and started to walk ahead with Louis and Zayn.

'Give me the half empty packet of malteasers and you got yourself a deal'

'Fine, deal' he said shaking his hand, then picking up his bag and jumping on Harry's back.

'Here, Louis!!' Harry yelled.

Louis turned 'yeah?'

'Take my bag and Niallers?' 

He nodded and took their bags walking again.

* * * * * *

We go to the gate and Harry lay down on the chairs 'Never giving anyone a piggy back again'

I laughed lightly 'at least you got the malteasers'

Niall laughed and handed him the half bag of malteasers.

Our flight was called and Paul found us.

'Okay no more wild goose chases, i've searched everywhere for you's five' 

Harry laughed.

'Let's board the plane' he said taking out his ticket and passport.

We got our tickets and passports out and started to board the plane.

I gave Lauren a quick text saying:

Just boarded miss you already love you so much, counting down the days until I see you again, not long now.. xo

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