Chapter Twenty-Two

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Wow, last chapter... I'm currently crying with my writing buddy @JustCallMe_T_ here... *Sniff* But don't worry guys... there will a SEQUEL!!!  woohoo!! I had so much fun writing this story and I hope you had fun reading too, cuz with all your reads and positive comments, It makes me want to write more! That's the truth! You guys are awesome! all your votes mean the world to me! I love you all! Catch you on the next story! Lauren x

The Final Chapter: 

Liam's Point of View:

'Liam, This hurts so bad' Lauren groaned as she squeezed my hand tightly as we rushed into the hospital.

'I know babe' I said with a worried tone in my voice as I ran straight over to the reception desk. 'Excuse me, sorry.. yeah Hi... My girlfriend is having a baby... like now!'

'Oh, go to room 126 and i'll send a doctor in rigth away!' she hurry said and pointed to the elevator.

I nodded quickly getting Lauren and wheelchair and rushed over to the elevator.

When we were at the room and Lauren was in the bed I could see that she was talking to me but it was like i couldn't hear anything... It was really happening, i'm going to be a dad anytime now! I thought to myself.

'Liam, Ouch another contraction..' Lauren groaned as she took hold of my hand , which snapped me out of my thoughs.

'Breathe Lauren' I said rubbing her back, trying to calm her. 

The doctor came into the room to check up on Lauren.

'Can I please have an epidural?' she requested, then looked at me 'I can't handle this pain' As the doctor nodded 'Of course' she said as she got the shot. 'I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you again' she said before leaving.

'How you feeling Babe?' I asked kissing her head. 

'Much better'

'Means it's working then' I chuckled, giving her hand a squeeze. 'I'm going to go and get a drink you want anything?'

'No thanks, just hurry back babe?'

'Of course I will' I nodded, I really didn't want to leave her alone.

 As I walked down the hall I saw all of the boys, El and Sophie waiting in the waiting room.

'Hey how is she?' Louis asked.

'She's fine, it will be a while I think' I replied 'Do you know where the cafe is? I need a bottle of water' 

'I'll go get you one' Harry replied as he got up.

'You go back to Lauren' Sophie said looking at me seriously.

'Okay.. Send Harry over with that water..'

'We will, now go back she needs you' Eleanor said with a smile.

I turned and walked a few steps then turned back 'Guys.. I need your opinion on something first..'

'Sure what is it?' Niall asked.

'Am I ready?' I asked nervously, I had to ask their opinion on something else too.

'Of course you are Liam!' Louis jumped up 'Woah feeling dizzy' he slowly sat back down.

'You kind of have to be ready mate' Niall said.

'You are ready for this Liam,' Sophie smiled. 'You're officially going to be Daddy Direction now'

I smiled 'Also guys...' I said taking a deep breath. 'I'm going to ask Lauren to marry me..'

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