Chapter Eighteen

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Lauren's Point of View:

'You better tell him tonight,' Eleanor whispered in my ear as we waited for the boys at the airport.

'I will El, I will' I nodded, even though I was terrified to tell him. 

'Good, don’t chicken out telling him, I know you'

'You know me too well, but I'm not going to chicken out this time'

'Good' she replied with a smile.

I look back over and see Sophie and Zayn walking out of the arrival gate, followed by Niall and Harry then Louis and Liam.

Louis rushed straight over to Eleanor hugging her tightly, 'I missed you' 

'I missed you too' she replied.

Liam picked me up once he got over to me hugging me tightly, I hugged him back tightly holding onto him 'I missed you' I whispered in his ear.

'I missed you too, I thought you weren't meant to be home till tomorrow'

'I know, I came home early...'

'Really?' He replied putting me down.

'Yeah really' I nodded whilst biting my lip.

'Are you okay?' Liam asked worriedly.

'Y-Yeah...I have to tell you something when we are home ok?’ I told him as I took hold of his hand.

‘Okay’ he said as he raised his eyebrow slightly.

‘Ready to go?’ Harry asked ‘I just wanna go home’

‘Yeah let’s I’m wrecked I haven’t slept a wink on that flight home’ Niall yawned.

‘Okay stop moaning we will go home’ Liam laughed lightly as he made his way towards the car.

‘You and El get a taxi?’ Liam asked as he put his bag in the booth of the car.

‘Yeah we did’ I replied with a small nod before getting into the car.

Niall was already half asleep in the back of the car, Harry was I’d say planning to wake him .

‘Don’t even dream of waking Niall Haz’ Louis whispered ‘He will kill you’

Harry frowned ‘Fine I won’t’

Zayn had Sophie sitting on his lap as he pecked her on the lips a few times.

Liam started the car and drove out of the car park.

‘You’re very quiet Lauren..’ Louis said patting me on the shoulder.

‘Me? Why you think that?’ I gulped slightly.

‘Yeah you.. I dunno you just seem not you,’

‘I’m fine Louis..’ I replied as I turned my head towards the window.


‘So what do you have to tell me?’ Liam whispered as we watched a movie back in their apartment.

‘Oh..Yeah.. Can we go to your room?’ I said quietly.

‘Sure’ he nodded as he took my hand pulling me up with him, leading me up to his room.

‘What is it Babe? You look very stressed out’ Liam said as he closed the door behind him.

'You might have want to sit down for a minute' I said as he sat down on the bed next to me taking my hand.

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