Chapter Eight

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Its rather short and not really good, promise the next chapter will be better guys :) Hope you enjoy it and the twitter name i used here is so orginal.. so yeah.. follow me on twitter @_NiallsPerfect_ love you all guys :) Lauren x

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'Lauren you ready to go?' Eleanor said as she picked up her luggage and her bag.

'Yeah, I'm ready' I said picking up my bags. 'Did you text Sophie to see if she was ready to go?'

'Yeah I text her there, I'm waiting for a reply now' she said walking towards the door.

I nodded and walked out to the car with her once we put the bags in the booth of the car and got in the car, Eleanor got a message.

'It's Sophie' she said opening the text, as I started the car.

'Is she ready?' I asked, backing out of the driveway.

'Yeah she is, I told her we will be there in five minutes'

I nodded and drove towards Sophie's house.

We got to Sophie's house and she walked out of the house with her bags putting them into the car and she got in.

'Hey Soph' I smiled.

'Hey Sophie' Eleanor said

'Hey girls' she replied, putting on her safety belt. 'Looking forward to L.A?' 

'Definately' we both replied as I started to drive towards the airport.

'What time is out flight at Lauren?' Eleanor asked.

'Tweleve o'clock' I replied taking the turn towards the airport, it wasn't too far from Sophie's house just a ten minute drive. 

I parked the car and got out, We got our bags out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the airport.

We checked in and then decided to go through security, I remembered last time we were here we were saying goodbye to the boy's but Sophie was on holidays with her parents in France so that's why she couldn't come with us, But in a few hours and hopefully no delays we will get to see the boys again.

Once we got through security, I glanced at the time.

'What time is it?' Sophie asked as she picked up her bag.

'Eleven' I replied as I checked through twitter.

I haven't been on it in two days, that's a change becuase I'm normally always stuck on it.

Liam tweeted me last night.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @MsLaurenLarkin_ I miss you babe, Safe flight tomorrow, can't wait to see you, text me before you take off?

I smiled at the tweet then seen Harry's tweet

@Harry_Styles: @Real_Liam_Payne @MsLaurenLarkin_ SOPPPPPPPYYYYNESSSS! Yuck! hehe only joking.

'Shall we go to the shop yeah?' Sophie asked.

I looked up from my phone 'Yeah okay lets go there' I replied putting my phone back in my bag, walking with them to the shop.

'What to get' I said looking at the sweet section.

'Hmmm, same' Eleanor replied.

Sophie grabbed a bar and walked over 'i'll pay for this and go over see if the gate number is up yet'

 'Sure, okay Sophie' Eleanor replied picking up a magazine instead, as Sophie paid and walked out of the shop.

I picked up a bag of malteasers and walked over to pay.

We walked out of the shop and Sophie walked over.

'Gate number is 46, not too far so we can go now and sit over there' 

'Yeah let's go' we said walking over to the gate.

'Flight might go early' I said sitting down, taking my phone out once again.

'Yeah it might' Eleanor said reading her magazine.

Sophie read her book she brought with her.

I replied to Liam's and Harry's tweet

@MsLaurenLarkin_: @Real_Liam_Payne Morning Babe, Miss you lots, not long now, just waiting at the gate, talk soon love you x

@MsLaurenLarkin_: @Harry_Styles Don't be Jelly Fishing Haz :L 

I yawned slightly looking up when our flight was being called as it was heading early.

We got up and walked over to the desk with our passports and tickets, and they walking on the plane to our seats, L.A Here we come.

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