Chapter Nineteen

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I enjoy writing this story so much! Every comment, vote and read means alot to me, but this story has to end soon, maybe I will write a sequel, hell to the yeah I will write a sequel. But please enjoy the next few chapters and I'll let you know when the last two chapters is, I'm not sure when I'll end it but I'll end it with something to make a sequel. Love you all muchly, Lauren x

Liam's Point of View:

I still couldn't believe it I was going to be a dad, I was told a week ago now and I couldn't be more happy. Sure I was scared but I'm having a baby with Lauren, the one I want to spend my life with. I remember the first time I met Lauren was back during the xFactor, when Louis introduced us all to her, and since that moment it was love at first sight.


'Guys this is my best friend Lauren' Louis introduced us to a long, curly brunette haired girl, with sparkling blue eyes, she was beautiful. Everything about her seemed perfect. 

'Lauren this is Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn' Louis continued.

'Hey guy's,' she replied greeting each of us, with a handshake, when I shook her hand I felt a spark, something I never felt before.

I pulled Louis over to one side as the boys talked to Lauren.

'Um.. Louis does Lauren have a boyfriend by any chance?' I whispered.

'Yeah she does I hate him, he doesn't treat her right why?'

'No reason' I looked over at Lauren with a sigh.

'You like her don't you?' Louis asked.

'No why?' I looked at him quickly.

'You seem that you do Liam..'

I shrugged slightly 'Maybe..'

'I would get you's together if I could,'

'I know you would doesn't matter' I sighed as I sat down. 'How long is she with that boyfriend of hers?'

'About five months, they barely do speak, she is planning to break up with him today though she said it to me earlier.. so you never know Li'

'Your right Lou' I nodded.

-End of Flashback-

'Liam.. Baby.. Wake up' Lauren whispered, shaking me slightly.

'Hmm?' I slowly opened my eyes looking up at Lauren. 'Morning Babe'

'Morning babe' she grinned as she pecked me on the lips. 'You getting up? We have to go to the hospital soon to get a check up,' 

Today was the first check up. I slowly sat up on the bed 'How are you feeling, any morning sickness?'

'Yeah, but I'm fine'

'Good, you could've woke me up if you needed me'

'I was fine' she smiled. 'Breakfast?'

'Sure' I smiled as I got out of bed.

'I'll be downstairs,' she kissed my cheek before walking downstairs.

I got out of bed changing quickly before rushing down stairs to Lauren. 

'Why the rush Liam?' Louis chuckled as he ate breakfast.

'I'm just excited ok?' I grinned as I got a slice of toast.

'Oh yeah first check up today isn't it?' He smiled. 

Lauren nodded 'Yeah kind of nervous'

'You will be fine babe' I kissed the top of her head checking the time. 'Ready to go?'

'Yeah I am' she nodded as she got up.

'Good luck' Louis grinned.

'Thanks' We replied in union as we walked out.


'Are you nervous?' I asked Lauren as we waited for our names to be called.

She nodded 'Yeah I am, In eight months this will all be real, What if I’m not a good mother?'

'Your're going to be a great mother babe' I grinned kissing her head.

'Miss Larkin and Mr Payne? The doctor is ready for you know' A receptionist called out from behind her desk.


'As I’ll ever be,' Lauren mumbled as she got up holding onto my hand.

Hand in hand, we walked into the room and Lauren sat on the examination table, nervously biting her nails. The doctor walked in and asked usual questions I suppose. 'Have you been drinking or smoking?’ ‘Any morning sickness?' ‘Pain in the lower stomach area?’ Lauren answered no for most of them, if anything the only symptom she had gotten was that she was glowing more than she already had before. Laying down and lifting her shirt slightly, we got ready for the first ultrasound. 

'Might be a little cold,' the doctor informed Lauren. 

She shivered when the gooey substance was placed on her stomach and spread around. I held her hand tightly.

'Are you ready to see your baby?' the doctor smiled at us while moving the screen towards us, 'I’ll go print these pictures out for you two'

The doctor left the room and tears streamed down Lauren's face.

'Hey, what’s wrong Baby?' I asked while wiping away her tears.

'I just.. I can’t believe I’m carrying a little person inside of me. I don’t know why I’m crying though I’m excited and happy about this!' she sobbed between little giggles.

'I’m excited too. We’re going to be the best parents in the world,' I whispered in her ear.

'I know' she grinned, wiping the last tear away looking back at the screen 'Our beautiful baby'

The doctor walked back in with the sonogram picture handing it to me. 'Is it too early to know the gender of the baby or?'

'No it isn't, if you want to know I can tell you' he said.

I looked at Lauren 'I want to know do you?' she asked.

I nodded 'Me too..'

The doctor took up the charts and read through it 'It's a girl'

I kissed Lauren's hand looking at the picture

'Our baby girl' I whispered in her ear, tears slowly running down my face. Our baby girl.

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