Chapter Seventeen

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Lauren's Point of View:

~A few weeks later~

I was glad to be home, I wasn't feeling the best the last few days. I let out a deep sigh as I got my bags from the carousel and walked out of the terminal towards my car. Liam wasn't going to be home from Australia until this evening. 

I took out my phone once I was in the car, checking the time it just turned four am. Maybe I just needed some sleep? I thought to myself as I fastened my safety belt and started the car, driving back to my flat in London.

Just as I got out of the car when I arrived at my flat, I suddenly started to feel sick. So I quickly grabbed my bags and ran straight into the flat slamming the door behind me. I dropped my bags in the hall as I ran to the bathroom. I only threw up once, I needed someone here with me. I stood up slowly and brushed my teeth before taking out my phone and calling Eleanor.

'Hello?' A very groggy voice said over the phone.

'El, I'm sorry to wake you this early but I need you..'

'Sure babe.. What's wrong?'

'I don't know.. I just don't feel myself the last few days..'

'I'll be right over give me twenty minutes' she said her voice now perky.

'Okay speak soon' I replied then hung up, walking over to my couch curling up into a blanket.


'Lauren?' A voice said, I opened my eyes to see Eleanor shaking me slightly, I must have dosed off. 'Are you okay?' she said sitting next to me.

I rubbed my eyes with a yawn as I sat up 'I dunno..' I mumbled.

'Lauren.. You must know..' she said with a frown with a worried tone in her voice.

'Okay.. Maybe I do..' I mumbled looking down at the floor.

'What then?'

'I just haven't had my-' I don't know how I was going to tell her this. 

'Haven't had you're period?' she finished my sentence for me 'For how long?'

 I thought for a second 'Today it will be eight days,' I said bearly audible.

'Maybe you're just late?' She bit her lip.

'I never usually am..' I said looking up at her. 'The signs are there' 

She bit her bottom lip slightly 'The chemist's won't be opened till nine,' she said looking at her watch. 'It's five am,'

I sighed 'Well I guess we have to wait a while then'

'We could watch a dvd?' Eleanor said giving me a smile.

'Sure, what one?' I asked getting up walking into the kitchen 'Great no food either' I mumble.

'You okay Laurie?' Eleanor asked as she walked into the kitchen.

'No food' I frowned.

'I got you a muffin from starbucks' she grinned as she took out of her bag.

'Yay' I grinned as I took the muffin and began to eat it. 'So what movie we gonna watch?' I said once I swallowed the muffin 'And thanks'

'No problem, maybe the boys' up all night tour dvd?' she smiled handing me it.

'Good choice' I grinned as I walked out to the sitting room and put it in the dvd player.

I sat back down next to Eleanor as I pressed play on the dvd.

Seeing Liam on the tv made me miss him even more, what was he going to say if I was pregant? So many questions ran through my mind this moment in time.


'It's nine.. I'll go to the pharmacy you stay here Lauren' Eleanor said picking up her bag 'Can I take your car?' she asked.

I nodded slowly 'Keys are on the counter' I nod. 'I'm going to go change'

'Okay, be back as quick as I can'

'Great' I smiled as I turned to walk up to my room.


'Lauren? I'm back!' Eleanor shouted as she walked in.

'I'm in my bedroom' I shouted.

I heard her slowly walking up the stairs.

'Can I come in?' she asked, slowly opening the door.

'Yeah of course,' I smiled slightly as she walked in.

'Are you okay Laurie?' she asked as she sat next to me.

I shrugged 'What if Liam leaves me if I am' 

'I know for a fact Liam would never leave you Lauren.. He loves you so much'

I teared up slightly as I looked down and nodded.

'Okay you go and take the test, I'll wait here babe'

I took the test of her and stood up.

'Lauren?' Eleanor said looking up at me.

'Yeah?' I turned to face her.

'Remember that whatever happens next, pregnant or not, Liam will always keep loving you, I just know it' She smiled.

'Thanks for everything El' I replied hugging her, I then walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and took the test. I wondered as I waited whether I was ready for a child? Did I really want this? But the only question that was on my mind was how Liam was going to react, was he ready for this too? I sighed and checked my watch and saw that the ten minutes have passed. I took a deep breath and turned around.........


Tears steamed down my face as I heard a knock on the door. I dried my tears as I turned to the door. 'Yeah?'

'Lauren, Can I come in?' Eleanors voice said from outside the door.

'Y-Yeah' I stuttered out as she opened the door and rushed over to hug me, I sobbed onto her shoulder as I showed her the I couldn't bearly speak from the sobs escaping from my throat.

'I-I don't think I can do this,' I managed to say a little while later.

'Do you want to get rid of it then?' Eleanor said with a whisper.

I shook my head quickly, That would be never an option with me 'No, I definately would never do that'

She hugged me tightly 'Congratulations, You're going to be a mum soon' she whispered and her eyes filled with tears.

'Oh don't you cry Calder, You will get me started' I sniffed as I handed her a tissue.

She took the tissue and wiped the tears from her eyes. 'You're going to have the most beautiful baby ever' she grinned.

I blushed and looked down, placing my hand on my stomach, tearing up once again, 'When am I going to tell Liam?'

'When he gets home tonight' she replied.

'But.. But'

'Don't but but me Larkin, You're going to have to tell him sometime'

'I know.. I'm scared to..'

'I know you are, but you have to do it babe'

'Okay fine... I'll do it tonight then' I sighed slightly looking down.

'Good,' she smiled. 'Come on now let's go shopping and get some groceries'

I nodded slowly and got up, the one thing on my mind, How was I going to tell Liam about this? And how was he going to react?

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