Chapter Twenty-One

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Only One more chapter now... Will have a speech prepared for it. Only joking.... Or am I? Maybe a few words are in order for the last chapter. Enjoy Chapter Twenty One... The last and final chapter of his will be up tomorrow, I'd say... Yep... Enjoy! and yes I know it's not Christmas, but I feel festive.. :L Only buzzing, I have to skip on to near the due date so enjoy the moment of feeling Festive! Also I having a great week so far.. Justin Bieber followed me on twitter... Eeeeeep!!! Lauren x

Liam's Point of View:

'A Party?' I asked Eleanor and Sophie.

'Uh huh.. It's a baby shower party,' Eleanor answered as she emptied a bag of decorations onto the table.

'Just keep Lauren away for as long as you can while we decorate.. okay?' Sophie added as she put away some food.

'Alright then.. I can do that...' I chuckled as I got up of the couch 'Maybe as Harry or Nialler to help you'

'Yeah good Idea..' Sophie grinned as she closed the fridge door. 'I'll go ask' 

Louis walked into the kitchen 'What's going on?' 

Eleanor looked up at Louis 'We are having a baby shower party here tonight member I told you the idea last night' she giggled.

'Ohhh yeah I remember now, need any help?'

'Yeah would love some Lou' she smiled 'could you help me put up the decorations?'

'Sure' he nodded.

'Okay all you have to do Liam is keep Lauren away for at least till we text you's to come over okay?' Eleanor ordered with a smile.

'Okay fine.. Happy decorating guys' I chuckled picking up my car keys then leaving.

I stepped out to the bitterly cold winter’s day at the start of December. It was going to snow I could feel it in the air. I zipped my jacket up and walked over to the car unlocking it and jumping into the driver’s seat. I quickly started the car and turned on the heat. 

Just as I drove to Lauren's and now my apartment it hit me that her due date was near and I was going to be a dad really soon. This brought a tear to my eye that I was going to be a dad soon. I pulled into the driveway and got back out into the chilly frosty air. I walked up to the door of the house. Just was I took out the key Lauren opened the door ‘Hey babe, thought I heard you pulling up,’ she grinned as she took my hand bringing me inside. The fire was lit. ‘You up long?’ I asked as I pulled her into a hug.

‘Not really I just woke an hour ago.. I was thinking about maybe putting up the Christmas tree today? Can we?’

‘Of course we can’ I smiled 'We have to go get a tree though and it looks like it’s going to snow' I chuckled as I took her hand.

‘Sure we will be back before it starts to snow’ she smiled as she got her coat.

‘Wrap up warm I don’t want you to get a cold’ I called as I sat on the couch.

'You're so sweet Liam' she smiled kissing me.

'Just trying to protect you and Caitlin' I smiled opening the door for her.

She pecked my lips on the way out the door 'I seriously love you Liam'

'I love you too Lauren,' I smiled and locked the door of the house walking over to the car.

Lauren got in and shivered 'It's freezing'

'I know,' I said as I got in shutting the door quickly, starting the car.

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