Chapter Thirteen

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 Long time since I wrote this, but welcome back for another chapter enjoy, love you all, lauren

 Liam's Point of View:

I kissed Lauren passionately, but was interrupted as the door creaked open and we were joined by Sophie, Eleanor and Zayn. They busted out laughing when they saw us.

'You're covered in Slime, Harry wasn't lying he got you's back good' Sophie sniggered.

'Yeah, I know' Lauren replied.

'Where's Louis?' Eleanor asked still laughing.

'Shower' I replied. 'Don't think he has spare clothes though' 

'Why?' Zayn replied

'He was giving out about five minutes ago' Lauren laughed.

'I'll go get him some clothes' Eleanor laughed as she left the room.

'Think we can sneak out and down to our room without being caught?' I asked Lauren.

'If we run, Yeah' she replied. 

I took her hand and quickly ran out of the room, down to our room.

'You have a shower first' I smiled as I sat down on the chair in the kitchen.

 'Alright' she smiled as she walked into the bedroom to get clothes.

I took out my phone and logged into twitter.

@Harry _Styles: @Real_Liam_Payne @MsLaurenLarkin and @Louis_Tomlinson fell for my prank... Happy April fools guys :)

@Real_Liam_Payne: @Harry_Styles Gee thanks man and you were 'supposedly' helping me prank them... thanks haha

'Hey Liam?' Lauren asked as she walked back into the room from getting clothes.

'Hmm?' I looked up, putting my phone down. 'You not gone for a shower yet?'

'No, do you wanna maybe have a bath together?' she asked smiling.

'Sure, I would love that' I smiled getting up, walking into the bathroom with her.


 Lauren's point of view:

The next day

'Lauren you ready to go?' Liam asked as he put his bag by the door walking into the bedroom.

'I sure am' I replied as I sat on my bag to close it. 'Little help closing the suitcase?' 

'Alright' he laughed as he zipped over the bag.

'Thank you' I smiled as I got of the suitcase, picking it up. 

'Let me carry it' Liam took the bag off me as we walked to the door.

'Okay you don't have to carry it' I smiled, checking to see if I got everything.

'No I'll carry it' He smiled. 'You have everything?' 

I nodded 'Yup' I picked up my handbag. 'Okay ready'

We walked down to the reception.

'I'm hungry' Niall frowned as he sat down at the lobby. 

'Aren't you always Nialler' Harry chuckled sitting on top of him. 

Niall laughed 'Get off Haz' 

'Nooooo' he said hugging him.

‘Go hug Louis or something’ Niall laughed, trying to push him off his lap.

‘Louis isn’t here yet’ he frowned, hugging Niall again. ‘Niall’s so cuddly’

‘Harry Edward Syles, get off me and go get me some food or something before I faint’ Niall said poking his it yourself

‘Ohhh the use of the full name, I’m in trouble’ he chuckled getting up off Niall’s lap. ‘I’m not getting you food though, you can lazy’

Niall frowned and got up walking to the buffet.

‘Are you hungry babe?’ Liam whispered into my ear.

I nodded ‘you?’

He nodded and took my hand ‘come on’ he grinned as he walked into the buffet with me.

‘Tough decision on what to eat eh Nialler?’ I said as I picked up two plates handing one to Liam.

‘You have no idea’ Niall laughed, beginning to pick up as much food the plate could hold.

I laughed, turning back to Liam. ‘What time are we all leaving here at?’ I asked as I put pancakes on my plate.

Liam looked at his watch ‘Still have about ten minutes’

I nodded ‘Great, I wonder where Louis and Eleanor is... and Sophie and Zayn’

Liam shrugged ‘I don’t wanna know either..’

I laughed lightly and walked over to where Harry and Niall where sitting.

Paul paced around the reception area, checking his watch..

‘Some text the lovebirds tell them to get down here’ Harry laughed.

Liam laughed putting his fork down taking out his phone.


Louis and Eleanor came down just before Liam sent the message to Louis.

‘Where were you’s two?’ Harry smirked.

‘We slept it’ Louis said taking a seat with Eleanor.

‘Oh yeah slept it uh huh?’

Louis chuckled and nodded.

‘Now we just have to wait for Zayn and Sophie to get down here and then we can go’ Paul said, glancing at the time again.

‘They are here now’ Harry nodded towards them as they walked into the buffet.

‘Right we will be late for the flight if we don’t go now’ Paul said.

‘But I never got breakfast’ Zayn moaned.

‘Well you should have come down when you were told to’ Harry smirked.

Zayn laughed and shook his head taking Sophie’s hand heading out with Eleanor and Louis to the bus, Liam got up with me taking my hand again.

‘You ready to go Nialler?’ Harry asked.

Niall swallowed the remainder of his food and nodded ‘Yup I am’

‘Great come on then’ Harry said getting up with Niall walking out with us to the bus. Paul put all the bags into the bus and got on.

‘I can’t wait to go to New York’ Sophie grinned.

‘Me too’ Eleanor agreed. ‘Lauren you have to show us around New York’

I chuckled and nodded ‘Of course I will’

‘Brilliant’ Sophie replied with a grin as we pulled up at the airport.

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