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it was saturday afternoon when minsook got off the train to get back to kingsgate's dormitory, her mom called her friday to stop by the bakery to help out a little, but it was mostly because her mom wanted to know how school has been, wanting to m...

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it was saturday afternoon when minsook got off the train to get back to kingsgate's dormitory, her mom called her friday to stop by the bakery to help out a little, but it was mostly because her mom wanted to know how school has been, wanting to make sure minsook has been keeping her grades up (even though school has barely started).

she wanted her daughter to stay over the weekend, or even the night, but minsook said she had to return to "study", which convinced her to let her go.

honestly, it was just tiring to be around a mother who nags her child to get exceptional grades to be able to get a high paying job.

minsook would rather be surrounded by her only friends at kingsgate.

as she got off the train, she noticed how there were students wearing different uniforms.

'i guess it's saturday classes... i wonder if there are any other schools around kingsgate'

. . .

"MINSOOK YOU'RE BACK!!!" eunbi threw herself at her friend when she walked through the student lobby's door.

minsook hugged her back and greeted her other friends with a wave, who were all sitting at a table close by.

"hey great timing, we were just about to discuss homecoming" told xiuying as minsook sat down next to eunbi.

"homecoming? there's a homecoming?!" sunhwa put her phone on the table and looked at them, surprised and confused.

"you didn't know? the event committee were all talking about it... it sounded like a big thing, which it is" added soorin, nothing better than hunting for cute guys to be her prince charming for homecoming.

"really? i thought you guys knew too, someone asked me out already" stated eunbi, saying that last part as if it was nothing.

"SOMEONE DID?! WHO?! EUNBI WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US???" soorin immediately stood from her chair, sunhwa almost knocked herself down with the chair when she was gonna stand up as well, her feet got tangled with the ones of the chair.

eunbi nervously laughed when she noticed it seemed to big a deal among the others.



eunbi was in the gymnasium of the school when she was practicing her volleyball serves by herself.

she made sure to control the ball to not bother anyone or accidentally hurt or knock out anyone.

she was quietly practicing, facing a wall, when a soccer ball hit the wall with a loud 'bam!', passing right by the side of her head.

someone quickly approached her and apologized, grabbing the soccer ball back in his hands "i'm sorry i almost hit you... i got really competitive back there- oh! hey you're eunbi right?"

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