♚ | TEN [2]

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on the other side of where hyerin sat, two or three tables away, sat yuta and eunbi, alone.

yuta seemed really sweet, i mean, he was the first one to approach eunbi and asked her to homecoming and even gave her a small cake as a thank you. they don't really know him since they've never really spoken to him, but eunbi's friends decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and entrusted her in his hands.

what a grave mistake.

there was really nothing out of the ordinary, both were very engaged in their own conversation, there was no one that talked more than the other, it was very balanced.

the music was loud so they had to sit closely to be able to hear each other. in the midst of talking about soccer, yuta suddenly changed the subject "eunbi, can i ask you for a favor?" she didn't think much of it, so she happily nodded.

"first of all, how close are you to taekwoon?" "taekwoonie? well, i guess i'm almost as close as i'm with jaehwan. i'm often with him and taekwoon tags along. sanghyuk pointed out how it was unusual since he would usually spend most of his time practicing for soccer 'as the team's captain' " she quoted her gamer friend.

"then that just makes the task easier then..." yuta whispered to himself "sorry?" "nothing! anyway i was wondering if you could convince him to give the position to me?" eunbi blinked, stunned by his proposition.

seeing her hesitation, yuta pushed "come on, i heard he's been captain for years even in the other schools he's been, i think it's time this grandpa gives his title to someone more youthful and skillful" "i-i don't know... i mean i think he deserves the position, i played with him and he's really good..." "but so am i? didn't i make a good opponent?" "well... you did lose to our team..."

yuta abruptly stood up, looking frustrated "come on, i asked you to homecoming and even got you an expensive piece of cake for free! i thought that'd be enough to convince a commoner..."

eunbi felt hurt, standing up as well "i'm sorry but i honestly think taekwoon deserves the position, he was chosen by the coach during the auditions anyway, now if you will excuse me i'll-" he grabbed her arm, pulling her back a little too forcibly "no, you're staying here till i get what i want, my efforts aren't going to waste"

"you better fucking stop," a voice interrupted them, the owner grabbed eunbi's other arm and gently pulled her towards him "and leave the poor girl alone" jaehwan glared at yuta.

yuta didn't falter "ah, lee jaehwan, have you been spying on us?" "i knew there was something off about you, you wouldn't have any interest in someone like joo eunbi unless it would benefit you. i'll be leaving with her, i don't have any business with someone who takes advantage of others to sabotage my friend" jaehwan pulled her out of yuta's grip and marched to the farthest table.

before sitting down, he turned around to check on eunbi, who still seemed shocked by the turn of events. he took her cheeks in his hands and examined her face "are you alright? you seem a little pale... do you want anything to eat or drink? we can go get some if you want"

she shook her head and they sat down. he didn't say anything, in case she was still trying to process yuta's treachery. they were alone at their own table and he wasn't doing anything else then sitting there, he didn't want to get up and get drinks or food since he didn't want to leave eunbi alone, even for 30 seconds.

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