How will Odin react

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Eira's prov

All the way back to the castle Loki seemed off, he seemed bothered or distracted. I wondered what was on his mind. Every time I tried to cheer him up he only smiled faintly, it was a small sad smile.once we had left the forest Loki had now started to speak. "On our way back we will pick up Thor, then we will visit Odin. Look at the forest, it's beauty, the many shades of green,thats why I come here. I also love the wildlife." This time Loki's smile was genuine,  thought it was one of the pretist smiles i've ever seen and his eyes, they glimmered.

 We stopped at the fountain where a tall boy with short blonde hair approached us "Loki, who is the Lady who is standing next to you?" Loki looked back at the older boy in disgust "This Lady, you speak of Thor is Lady Eira she will be accompanying us back to the palace where i will speak to father." Thor looked back at Loki in susprise "What will Father say? Does Eria have any reason to stay at the palace? Because if not you do know father's answer." I felt i was on the out side of the convosation, obsering the brothers speaking with eachother.

"Thor,brother, Eria needs a home and if father does not approve well i will have to find a way to mke him understand how Eria is my only other friend except from you." I felt touched by this , I was his only other friend? but we had only just meet, and i was his friend? "I'm your friend?" Both of the brothers looked shocked by my question. "Yes of course, although we have just meet i feel like in the future we will be the best of friends." but what about Lady Sif and the warriors three arn't they his friends?, I think Loki can also read minds as he answered this question without me asking it aloud. " No Eira lady Sif and the warriors three think that I am a tag along with Thor."

We then made our way back to the palace Thor on my left and Loki on my right, both where holding my hands. Thor's hands where larger and where warmer but lacked the sence of care as his hands nearly crushed mine.Loki's on the other hand where soft and gentle but slightly cold.

when we reached the frount of the palace it was gleaming gold, it sparkled, and I was actually going to enter. We entered and walked to the doors to the throne room, they where shut closed. "Eira, it will we fine, father will understand. Just answer the questions, Eira you will be great." Loki was so sweet. he held my hand as he opened the door with the other, i felt sick and nervious. Thor was already inside the room kneeling infrount of the Allfather the Queen was at the King's side loki squezed my hand in reassurance and i smiled we then joined Thor kneeling after about ten seconds Odin told us to rise and we did so. The Queen noticed and started to speak "Loki, who is this young Lady at your side?" this made me blush "Mother this is Eira, I found her in the forest, we are so much alike mother, Eira wants to study magic aswell , but Eria does not have a home to stay, this is why i have come to speak with you, I wanted to know if she would be aloud to stay. " uh oh this was it odin was about to interagate me. "Eira do you want to stay in the palace" ok, Eira it's okay just answer, "Yes it would be lovley." Odin nodded "Then you shall stay in the palace in the chambers next to Loki's, you are dismissed."

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