I hope she still loves me

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"I'm a frost giant." There it's out.

"I knew, Loki, it's okay, your no different. you are the most talented beautiful person i have ever had the good fortune of meeting. you care about me, when I'm sad you tell me about my ocean deep blue eyes as I stare into your amazing emerald, mysterious, curious, unpredictable eyes. you are the most caring person, from your family to those you don't know. it doesn't matter if your Asgardian or Midgardian or purple, green, alien, as long as your still the same kind loving person that I met, the first time under the tree, I couldn't care less. don't let this get to you. Just keep your heart and mind in the right place, Loki, okay?"

"Yes, I promise. I love you, wait, you knew? how?" how did she know? was she listening to the conversation me and Odin had?

Eira had looked at me those pools of blue wonder staring at me, confused? afraid? "ummmmmmmmm.......maybe you should ask your mum."

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