Magic lessons

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Loki's prov

Once being told that i could be excused from my lesson to study while mother was Eira the basics of magic. I spend this time in the libary searching through books, no one else is in the libary because this is the only room in the palace that only I really enter and i'm glad about it to be honest. I couldn't find any books that could help me with the situation that i'm in, Eira is going to turn nineteen in four months so I need to find a spell that will let us communicate through the nine realms.

finially i give up, I think that to be a good boyfriend I should buy Eira a piece of jewlery. So i start making my way to the market, i know a jewelry maker in the village. He owes me a favor as I stoped small children breaking his goods, hopefully he will be able to make me a necklace for Eira. I enter the shop and William notices me very quicky, he bows down "William, you know that is not nessasary, we are friends.". William is quite tall and has dark brown has with matching hazel eyes, William is not rich but I would say 'working class', he is about three years older than me. "What can i do for you this fine day?" I turn and smile at him, "William, now this is a secret so it stays between me and you, I have fallen in love with the most beautiful Lady ever, and I wish to give her a marvlious peice of jewelry to show my love. could you help me?" William smiled "describe her" there is nothing to describe she is perfect."okay, her eyes are the colour of the deepest ocean while her hair is as golden as the sun and her smile lights up a whole room.and when she blushes her cheeks turn the most brilliant rosie red and she is the only woman that I love." I sat down while watching William workes on the necklace for Eira.

Eira's prov

My lesson had just finished, Frigga taught me how to create hologramic animals. As soon as I was about to collect my purse and leave for the libary, that's probably where Loki is, a gaurd ran into the room,"Sorry your highness, but Hiemdal would like to see lady Eira." Why would he want me? has Loki cheated on me?he's cheated on me.,"Eira, just go to Hiemdal,you'll be fine" Frigga has such a sweet way with words,nearly as sweet as Loki's. I headed to see Hiemdal, "Lady Eira I wanted to show you something. It is from earlier today,i can't show you it all but i can only show a little clip, as the rest is a secret that you will find out later." i nodded as Hiemdal placed his hand on my sholder, very quickly an image of Loki standin in a shop appeared, he was standing next to a man, who is a little older than us, they're talking about me, but all speech is blured. Suddenly the stranger's voice becomes very clear "  describe her" Loki looked as if he was thinking, ."okay, her eyes are the colour of the deepest ocean while her hair is as golden as the sun and her smile lights up a whole room.and when she blushes her cheeks turn the most brilliant rosie red and she is the only woman that I love.". Loki is such a romantic, after this point the image cut off. "thank you Hiemdal" Tears where running down my cheeks, "Go, to the libary, he waiting." I started to run from the Bi-frost back to Loki.

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