Something's up with Loki

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Eira's Prov

Since I left the throne room I had a bath, packed my bags and went to Loki's chambers. it had been a hour since I had entered Loki's room. Where was he? suddenly there is a plod from the other side of the door, obviously somebody has slid down the door and is locking me in. I walk up to the door and sit down leaning against it. "Loki? is that you darling?" I heard the faint sounds of sobbing, something had happened, I know it. "Whatever it is we can sort it, just please come inside and tell me." as the door opened my head hit the cold ground as I had no time to sit up before the door was opened. Loki walked in and quickly got changed into lounge pants and jumped into bed, he seemed sad. I jumped in next to him putting my head against his chest.

"Please darling, what is wrong?" Loki hugged me as tightly as Thor would, like if he let go I would vanish.

"It's the Jotun's they're declaring war on Asgard. the thing is when we return from Midgard I must go fight with the brave warriors while you must stay here protected. Don't protest father's first proposal was that you fought too but I could not bare the thought of losing you, so you are protected." This really shocked me "what about when you and Thor get named? or when will we spend time together wandering the village?" because if Loki dose not return from battle I will never see these events. "Eira, don't worry when the war is over with these events will proceed. Stop worrying" but I knew inside he was emotionaly dying. We hardly got any sleep as loki was awake all night. He was thinking. Loki's words ran threw my head "I could not bare the thought of losing you" how do you think i would feel if he died?

Morning came slowly, Loki sat up and got out of bed "Come on, we must have breakfast then leave for Midgard." I got up, changed and left for breakfast. we had a full cooked breakfast, after eating we said our goodbyes and started to walk to the Bi-frost. "Did you pack the clothes mother left on your bed?" i nodded "They where beautiful remind to thank her for them.". we reached the Bi-frost Hiemdal started it up "Have a peiceful visit, go to Stark tower, the owner Mr Stark has agreed to let you stay there, Loki plase stay out of trouble." Loki once again did his trademark grin "Sorry Hiemdal, no promises.". the bright light absorbd us as we traveled through space, we landed right outside of the building 'Stark tower' it was the second tallest building i've ever seen, you know next to the palace it was nothing. we walked in, a man met us, he was not small or very tall like loki but has many things beeping from diffrent pockets in his trousers. "Hello, I'm Tony, Tony Stark." , "Well i guess we have found the right place, Im Eira and this is my boyfriend Loki." i looked down to see mine and loki's hands intwinded together. after introducing ourselves Tony showed us to our room, we changed into Midgardian attire. I was in a pair of 'jeans' and a green t-shir, Loki had the same on. we matched.

After meeting the rest of the 'Avengers' in the living room, this was excluding Thor as he was fighting against the frost giants, The Avengers consisted of Mr Rodgers, Ms Romonoff, Mr Barton, Dr Banner, Mr Stark and Thor. they insisted that we called them by their first names, so we did as we where asked. Loki seemed fascinated by them and whispered into my ear "I believe that I am finding them most interesting, I would love to one day join them." Loki's dreams where so limited as he wished. he had no idea that he could join with ease.

" So, what brings you to Earth?"

"Once you become 18 on Asgard you must travel to one realm, me and Loki chose to come to Midgard as Thor has already visited and said that he had become friends with you." We spend the rest of the evening talking and socialising with theAvengers.

by the end if the week we has become very close friends but we had to leave.

"I am sorry but we must leave as I must go fight for Asgard tomorrow morning" Loki then called for Hiemdal And we returned to Asgard.

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