"What's wrong?"

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"Okay, what's wrong?"

Elsa was worrying me as she was giving me sad sympathetic eyes, whats's wrong?

"Ma'am, I am unable to give you the news until the rest of the royal family is here." I nodded, kissed Loki on the cheek "i'll be right back darling" and ran to collect the rest of the family.

"Eira, what's wrong?"

"Thor, please come to the healing room, it's Loki." Thor ran to the throne room racing through the room me following quickly behind. "Mother, father. We have been asked to the healing room by Elsa." now all of the family and me where in the room we where ready to hear the news.

"Your highness, Queen Frigga and Prince Thor, I have asked you here to talk about Lokis condition." everyone in the room nodded, except from Loki who was still out cold on the bed. "We tested the cut in Loki's stomach, most likely a dagger, but any treatment was unresponsive. we have tried everything. unfortunately, we fear we may lose him, and soon." Frigga started to cry running over to Loki's motionless body, "my baby, it'll be fine, I love you. never doubt that, I will be here when ever you need me" Frigga carried on but I walked over to Elsa who was leaving the room. "How long?" Elsa's eyebrows furrowed in confusion "I don't understand."

"How long until he'll pass?"

"Within the week"

"Why wasn't it healing?"

"Loki's daggers where covered in a poison made to slowly and painfully kill frost giants, unfortunately we found the same poison in his system, this is harmless to Asgardians or even mortals but is working on the prince."

"Does that mean?"

"Most likely"

Elsa the left. "Lady Eira, what's wrong?" I couldn't hold it in anymore I sobbed into Thor's tunic creating tear stains 'should I tell him?' 'better not, it will break his heart' "Thor I don't know what to do, he promised me,"

That night I got the doctors to move Loki to his bed. I snuggled up next to him, 'it must be awfully painful lying in that armour' I stripped him if his armour and put his lounge pants on instead. large scars covered the front of his chest but I didn't care. I placed my head on his chest and could hear the rapid beating of his heart, the rhythm sending me to sleep.

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