Back in Asgard

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Eira's POV

I awaited Loki's return with butterflies swirling around my stomach, I couldn't bare to tell Frigga, it would break her loving, motherly heart.each time the Bi-frost send home warriors I would check for him. where was he? did he die? was he just left on the floor, slowly dying? these thoughts swirled around my head making me feel sick.

Hours later the Bi-frost swirled exiting it was a group of hurt warriors in the centre a tall man with dirt covered hair and a red cape following him, Thor. In his arms was a smaller body, lifeless. his once golden horned helmet now covered with blood and dirt.It was Loki.
I ran down the rainbow bridge towards Thor and Loki tears blurring my view " he going be okay?" I was now full on crying looking down at the lifeless body before me. "Lady Eira, we need to get to the healing room." I grabbed Thor's arm and teleported us to the healing room where Thor put Loki on one of the beds. suddenly a nurse came, "hello darlings, how may I help you today?" Thor then described what happened in detail. "Ok lovely, I'm Elsa and I will personally look after the prince." I managed to give Elsa a small smile.

After days of waiting by Loki's side he still lay there unconscious. "Loki, darling. I know that you probably can't hear me but I want to tell you something. I still love you, it's your cheeky grin, your piercing emerald green eyes, your cold but caring hands that make me feel safe even when we are in the most danger. It's the way you ask for nothing but give everything. and it's the way that you aren't scared of being unlike your brother, I love you more than the first time we kissed, and that's saying a lot! I love you Loki and I want you to know that I will never love anyone as much as i love you." I bent over Loki's sleeping body and kissed him on the forehead. "You know, he's lucky to have you. But that just makes me feel even worse about what I need to say."
"Is it about Loki?"
"Yes, It's about him and his treatment."
"Okay, what's wrong." I squeezed Loki's hand in reassurance.

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