Chapter Four

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Dakotas POV

I look at Jamie. More shocked than anything. He tilts his head to the side and frown. This man is more fragile than glass at the moment. He needs someone and maybe he is trying to seek comfort in me.

"Jamie... a kiss can mean alot"

"And what if it did?"

"What if you are just trying to fill in a blank space and Im an easy option?"

He frowns and sits up straight. He looks down and knots his fingers together. I sigh quietly and budge up.

"You honestly think I'd use you? Im not like that." He mutters. I rest my hand on his knee and gently caress.

"I have a wall up. I always have. You have just gotten divorced. Jumping into relationships quickly isnt going to help."

He looks up and slowly shakes his head as a warm smile appears on his face. Now thats a smile thats captures you in.

"Ive been divorced for a while. It isnt a new thing or fresh. Been a good couple of months" He shrugs and pulls his shades down from his head to cover his eyes

"What? You havent seen Dulcie in months?"

"Nope. Her choice."

"Why havent you fought?"

"Theres no point. I dont want to drag Amelia through the courts. It isnt fair on any of us. I dont want Dulcie to see us fighting or arguing. I wanted it to be as normal as possible for her sake but things changed"

"What things?"

He sighs and looks down again. With his glasses on its hard to read him from his expressions. I lean over and gently pull the glasses off of his head and rest them on my lap.

"Any need for that?" He scratches the side of his face and sits back a little.

"Yes. Its rude. Now, what things changed?"

"I dont want to talk about it."

His tone gives me the impression its pissing him off. Im not one to bug someone, especially over personal issues. I just dont want him feeling guilty or feeling alone.

"I wont nag you. I just dont want you sat overthinking things when there is no reason too. I just want to be here for you.. make sure you arent alone."

"I appreciate that. So about the kiss.."

"What about the kiss?"

"Was it good?"

I cant help but laugh. Why in the most weirdest situations does he still manage to put a smile on my face. Amelia really has missed out. Hes a wonderful human.

"Suppose so.. had better." I wink and he leans forward.

"You sure? Do I need to do it again in order for you to compare properly?"

I shake my head and bite my lip. I watch as his eyes move from mine down to my lips and back up.

"Cmon. Lets see whats happening on set." I stand up and slide his glasses onto my face, covering my eyes. I hear him tut behind me as I walk infront.

Liking Jamie is one thing but something actually happening is another. His kisses are to die for. I count myself lucky when I get to kiss him when im in character. He is a mysterious man himself, he hides so much and keeps his book firmly closed.

"Ay. Wait up!"

I stop and turn. He catches up pretty quickly and laughs quietly.


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