Chapter Fifteen

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I watch Dakota play with Dulcie on the carpet. I know I have loved her for longer than what she expects. Watching her with Dulcie is heart warming. Dulc has taken to her so well, she knew her before as Daddy's friend now she knows her of Daddy's girlfriend. Her understanding is phenomenal especially at a young age.

"Daddy look!" Dulcie runs over and rests a piece of paper on my lap. I look down at the picture and its us three and Zep.

"Baby that is brilliant! Shall Daddy put it on the fridge?"

"Yes please!" She claps and runs back to Dakota and falls back into her arms. Dakota kisses her hair and wraps her arms around her.

I head over to the fridge and place the piece of paper under the magnet. I turn and watch the girls. Seeing Dakota like this with Dulcie makes me want a child with her. I know its early on but I know Dakota will be a brilliant Mum and Dulcie will love being a big sister. I walk back over and take a seat behind Dakota.

She leans back and rests her elbows on my legs.

"Hi" she whispers. She tilts her head back so I can see her.

"Hi." I wink and she crunches up her nose and smiles. I tap it with my finger and she sits forward again.


We both go silent. Dakota looks at me and then back to Dulcie.

"Baby.... im not yo" I cut her off by tapping her arm.

"Wheres Mummy?" I ask.

Dulcie smiles and looks at me.

"At home."

"Wheres mama?"

She points to Dakota. Dakota looks at me again and I smile and shrug my shoulders.

"You make me smile so much baby girl." Dakota pulls Dulcie into her chest and Dulcie wraps her little arms around her neck.

Definitely a beautiful moment.

Dakotas POV
Those words leaving Dulcies mouth scared me. In that moment.. I had no idea what to do. Jamie looks happy. It warmed my heart hearing those words. Knowing Dulcie respects me and sees me as that. Its a wonderful moment.

"That certainly took your breath away" Jamie says as I sit besides him. I rest my hand on his thigh and sit back,

"It did, I wasn't expecting it. Its a big thing, I don't want it looking like I'm trying to replace her Mummy. I just want to be the best I can be when shes here and make sure she has the best time."

I look down and start to fiddle with my fingers. I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to be her Mum because I know she has Amelia and I have respect for her. She and Jamie have brought Dulcie up to be a lovely little girl.

"Baby, she knows you aren't her Mum. She just loves you and I love you." He grabs my hand and squeezes.

"I love you both."

"Oh I know." He winks and throws his cheeky smile at me.

"When is she going home?"

"Tomorrow. Dad has the flights booked"

"When will you see her next?"

"I'll have to arrange it with Amelia" he shrugs. I know that is a tough topic.

"What did your dad want last night?"

"Mum.." his voice lowers

"Oh im sorry"

"I'll tell you later."

I nod and he lets my hand go and heads into the kitchen. I know Jamie is stubborn and even more hard to read and talk to. He finds hiding things easier. I have no idea what its like or what he had to.. or has to go through. I won't be able to understand if he doesn't let me in and tell me.

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