Chapter Eleven

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Dakotas POV
Having not heard from Jamie, Ive decided to stop texting and ringing him. I know Im probably overthinking things and making stuff up in my head but I can't help but think something has happened with him and another woman. Possibly his ex wife.

Im extremely happy about him finally being able to see Dulcie and spending time together. It makes up for all of them lost months, its been two days since he saw Dulcie. I know she stayed over the night before.

"Whats on your mind?"

"Are you facebook now?"

"No, just concerned about my sister"

I look over at Grace and she puts the teaspoon down and tilts her head.

"What?" I frown and roll over onto my back on the couch

"You being a total douche" Grace walks over and swiftly knocks my legs onto the floor and sits down

"Why are men difficult?" I frown and bring my legs up to rest on her thighs

"Not all men are difficult. You just choose difficult." She takes the nutella from the spoon and swallows. I shake my head and she grins.

"Jamie isn't difficult, he's just.. not easy"

"You're the one who asked, I just gave you a reply"

"Im well aware" Before I know it I'm rolling my eyes. Siblings.

"He might be tired, Kids arent easy"

"I know.. i also know he always has his phone with him. Its just strange to not hear from him. We always talk."

"Stop listening to your overflowing mind and believe in your heart. Jamie isnt a cheat, he isnt a bad man and he most definitely wont hurt you. He loves you. He is just occupied. Im sure you will hear from him soon. He never stays away for long" Grace pats my leg and moves. I watch as she disappears round the corner.

I sigh. Left alone again. I know in my heart Jamie wouldnt do anything to jeopardise this. Us. I don't understand why I am so scared. I feel like he can do better, he fell in love once before, he can easily do it again. It always runs through my mind that I ruined what he had. Ruined the perfect family for Dulcie. Maybe he has realised that being with them is the best option. I shake my head. These thoughts need to fuck off out of my mind.

A nice glass of wine with a movie sounds pretty good to me. Only problem is, I have no wine and the store is a few blocks from here. Ugh. Why is nothing going my way today.

"Grace!" I call through as i slide my jacket on


"Im going to the store!"

"Get me some chocolate please!"


"Yes! I am being your councillor whilst you mope around about Jamie. I deserve chocolate!"

"Fine." I roll my eyes and head out the door. Im praying the Paparazzi aren't here. Why should they be anyway, it is raining. Lets hope things finally go my way.

I look through the hole of the door. No paps. Brilliant. I head out and click the button on my keys. My car flashes and i get in. Maybe a drive round might help clear my head better than wine.

Jamies POV
Another night spent with Dulcie. Her little laugh and smile still make my heart warm. Its been the best couple of days. Ive been in this bubble that Ive not wanted to leave. Unfortunately things do come to an end.

"I miss you Daddy"

I look down into her big blue eyes and pull the duvet up to her chin. She smiles and snuggles into her Simba teddy.

"I miss you too. You will see alot more of me now. Ill even come and pick you up from school" I start to stroke her hair back and her eyes close. Her eyelashes lie beautifully on her cheeks.

I lean down and leave a kiss on her forehead. Her lips are parted as she breathes quietly. I hate leaving her but tonight was my last night in England. Tomorrow I was back in America, filming for another movie.

"Did she settle okay?" Amelia asks. I slide my coat on and run my hand through my hair to get a style

"She did. Shes fast asleep."


"Don't.. Im glad we are getting on and I like that we can be civil. Thats all. Nothing more and nothing less."

Her eyes fill a little and I instinctively pull her in for a hug. I hate making people upset, Im not an evil person. I love somebody else. Reigniting an old flame wouldnt be best for any of us. All it would do is make things worse.

"I have to go." I pull back and Amelia stumbles a little.

"Have a safe flight." She smiles. I nod and head out the door. She shuts it behind me and I head to my car.

I grab my phone from the seat and swipe across. Shit. All this time I have been happy and spending time with Dulcie I have forgotten to message Dakota. Shit. I click her name and click her number. Before I know it, its ringing.


"Hey Baby. Im so sorry for these past couple of days, Ive just been busy with Dulcie"

"Its fine."

"Is everything okay?"


"Doesnt sound like to me." I can feel sweat on my forehead.

"Talk to you? Why? So you can ignore me again."


"Thats my name. Well done for remembering that."

"Right, I wont bother trying to talk. You should understand, I havent seen her in a year. I fucking apologise for forgetting but my hands have been pretty full. I had a years worth of time to make up to her in four days." My voice is stern. She should understand. She's being selfish.

I hear a sigh and a sniffle.

"Im sorry. I have just been so lonely without you. I miss you. Im grouchy and moody... time of the month.." she whispers. I relax a little and let my body untense.

"Ill be back tomorrow, we can talk and have a cuddle and spend some time together. I know this situation isnt ideal."

"I know Dulcie comes first. I know that, I think what was bothering me was the fact that you werent replying and you were in company with your ex. My mind was in overdrive."

I shake my head and chuckle quietly. Dakota jealous?

"I can assure you that nothing happened between me and Amelia. She will always be a part of my life because we have Dulcie together. I want Dulcie to somewhat live a normal life with parents who get on. Not with parents who despise eachother."

"I get that. My Mum and Dad did the same. I can't wait to meet her."

"You will meet her soon, you will love her!"

"Ive met her before but she was young. I bet she has a right good personality now."

"She does. She is one in a million... just like you."

"You sure know how to make a woman smile Dornan."

"I only want to make you smile baby."

I can feel my cheeks warming up. Knowing she is happy is heartwarming.

"I have to go, ive been sat in a car lot for ages. I love you. I can't wait to see you."

"I love you more. Laters baby." She giggles and the call ends. Thankgod. I didnt want to go back to world war 3. Now I can focus on my future with Dakota with Dulcie in it.

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