Chapter Eight

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I jerk awake and sit up quickly. Sweat starts to trickle down the side of my head and I take deep breaths. Yet again another bad dream. I look to the side of me and Dakota is lay fast asleep. The duvet just about covering her chest. I smie and lie back down besides her, she immediately scoots up next to me and rests her head on my chest. I bring my arm up and start to play with her hair. I hear a light sigh and I close my eyes.

"Whats up?" She whispers. My eyes stay closed and I take another deep breath

"Just a nasty dream, Im okay" My voice stays low and her hand slides onto my stomach and rests across it

"You sure?" I feel her head leave my chest and I open my eyes, im met with her blue one, full of worry and panic. I wrap my arm around her and pull her back down.

"I promise, Im okay. Just get some sleep" I mutter, she taps my stomach with her finger nails and she gently kisses my chest.

"Definitely missed my lips."

"Do you want a kiss on your lips?"

"A gentlemen never tells"

"A lady never gives away her secrets."

I chuckle and she swats my chest lightly with her hand. I move my hand down onto her back and start to tickle. My hand goes in a circular motion and then goes into zigzags.

"Thats really nice"

"I'll keep doing it then" I kiss her head and she squeezes her arm around my stomach. My eyes close and soon its all black, back to sleep.

Dakotas POV
With Jamie waking in the middle of the night I decide to leave him in bed asleep. He looks so peaceful and young. Is it weird to say he looks handsome whilst asleep? Probably. He stirs and I quickly head off to the kitchen. Two coffees and two bacon sarnies? Sounds good to me.

I lay the bacon in the pan and let it cook whilst I finish off the coffees. I feel arms snake around my waist and a stubbly chin rest on my shoulder.

"Good morning Handsome"

"Good morning beautiful. You should have woken me up"

"No, you needed sleep, i know it isnt nice having a nightmare at any time"

"Aren't you a gooden?" He takes the coffee from the machine and stirs it all together.

"You like bacon right?" He takes a sip of his coffee and shakes his head. I stop and look at him. His lips crack into a smile and I hit his chest. He grabs my hand with his and tightens his hand around my wrist.

"Let go!"


"Because I said so!"

"Give me a good reason and I will think about it" He sips his coffee again and sets the cup on the counter. His other hand is free and I look down.

"Please let go of my wrist baby" I coo, he shakes his head and bites his lip. Jamie fucking Dornan biting his lip. It really does do things to me.

"Someone taken aback there?" He lets go of my hand and pulls me into his chest. One of his hands rest on my lower back and the other is moving the bacon with the spoon.

"Jamie, Im still confused. What happens when the shoot is done?" I whisper, my heart drops and I can't help but pull away and look down. Jamie turns his attention to the bacon and starts to butter the sarnies. He places the bacon on and passes me a plate.

"Thankyou" I sit up at the breakfast bar and Jamie sits opposite me.

"What do you want to happen?" He takes a bite of his sarnie and our eyes reconnect.

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