Chapter Ten

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Dakotas POV

After texting Jamie for half of the day, I wait for his phonecall. I have missed him so much. He really does make everything better when he is around. I know it sounds selfish but when he is here I just want him with me and noone else. Just me and him. Our bubble. My phone starts to vibrate and Jamies name flashes up on the screen. I quickly pick it up and swipe the icon to the side.

"Hey baby. How was filming?"

His voice instantly settles me.

"Heyyyy, it was good. Im so happy to be back in bed though."

"Long day ay? Big bed all to yourself aswell. Winning arent you?" He chuckles and goes quiet

"I miss you Jamie, it feels so weird you not being here. Especially after us spending so much time togeter two weeks ago"

"I miss you too. I'll be back with you soon. Things just need to be sorted over here. Tomorrows a big day for me."

"I know. Are you gonna actually see Dulcie or are you restricted to the car?" I lie down and pull a pillow ontop of my stomach.

"Dad says I cant get out the car. Feel like a kid saying that. No doubt all eyes will be on my Dad and Dulcie anyway. He let Amelia know I was coming along so me getting anywhere near my daughter is definitely a not."

"You never know, things might be different when you are actually there. Dulcie might find out you are in the car, she wont not run over to her Daddy"

I hear him sigh. I know this situation isnt easy for him and I feel useless in this situation because I cant help. Im not a mother, I have no idea. What I do know is Jamies love for that little girl is indescribable. He always talks about her, reminisces memories with her. I know he's a good father. I don't doubt that.

"She can be stopped though. I just miss her Dakota. She means everything to me and I can't see her. I don't know how to prove myself." He sighs again and I close my eyes.

"Jamie, you are a brilliant father. You know that and your family know that. Amelia knows that too. Just be yourself and you will be fine. I love you and I believe in you."

"You know, without you Id probably be a mess. Drinking all the time and out all the time. You know how to make me smile within seconds. You really are a special woman. My girl."

My heart beats faster. His girl. This man can make me feel all shy and nervous miles away. How does he do that?

"Well I am glad I can help".

"You do more than what you think. I love you." He whispers. A smile slowly appears on my face.

"I love you more. Baby , im gonna have to go. Im absolutely shattered. Let me know how tomorrow goes for you okay?"

"I will do. Get some sleep sleeping beauty and Ill see you soon. Bye."

I click the red button and the call ends. I move the pillow behind my head and pull the duvet up to my chin. I close my eyes and drift off to a well deserved sleep.

Jamies POV
My Dad pulls up infront of the house and I can feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart is racing. My little girl is literally a few steps away from me. My dad undoes his seatbelt and reaches back. He grabs a giftbag and pulls it onto his lap.

"Whats that?"

"A gift for her. Nursery gifts and the clothes from Jess and Lisa."

"Ah I see.." I turn my head and look at the window. The blinds are drawn and I can just about see in. I look down and my hands are knotted.

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