Chapter Five

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Jamies POV

I sit on the bed and Dakota just looks at me. I can't grasp whether its a good look or a bad. Debatable.

"Say something."

"I don't know what to say."

I smile and look at her. She holds the stare for a few seconds and turns away.

"Do you feel the same?" I itch the back of my neck and look down at my legs.


"I figured it was a good question." I look back up and shes staring at me.

"I don't know how I feel Jamie." She shrugs and starts to bite her nail on her pinky.

"Dakota, I cant force you to feel anything. I just wanted you to know thats all. You told me its better to talk about what im thinking rather than keeping it all hidden and bottled up." I raise my brow and she shakes her head before looking down. I can just about see her little smile.

"This is different, very different. Can you see why Im.. scared?" She shakes her head and rests her cheek against her hand.

"No. I honestly can't." I shrug and frown.

"You all of a sudden like me? I havent heard from you since the premiere early this year. Liking me couldnt have started until.. well.. now. Which makes me wonder if you just want fun and to not be lonely." Her words hit me deep inside. I feel sick, my stomach is in knots. My heart is pounding. My lips open a little.

"That isnt true Dakota. Id never ever use you. Im not like that. I told you this before. In all seriousness I liked you when we first met. A married man fancying his co star? I couldn't exactly let anyone know or show it. The second and third film we were filming the feelings just.. grew stronger and stronger. I felt bad on Amelia, i felt bad on Dulcie and Dulcie is and always will be my main priority. I just needed to see how it was at the end of it all."


"The feelings were strong. I didnt know what to do. Amelia found some texts on my phone about you. I had noone to talk to so i turned to my mate. He was giving me advice and thats how it all started." I look down and briefly remember the talk we had.

"Jamie what the hell is this?"

"Amelia, let me atleast try and explain!"

"Explain what? You have eyes for another woman? I trusted you with this film. This role. I was worried! You said it would be okay. We have Dulcie to think about!"

"Look. I know. It was lad chat okay?"

"Dont lie to me Jamie. Im not silly nor am I dumb. Tell me the truth."

"I dont love you anymore."

"Jamie Im sorry.. im just"

"No need to be sorry. Look you are a beautiful woman. An amazing woman infact. You know how to make people feel happy, any mood they are in its better when you are around. " I shrug and she hides her smile with her hand.

"Shall I go on?" I chuckle and she slaps my hand.

I sit back and watch her. Shes looking at me discretely. Well she thinks she is.

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