Chapter Six

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I am woken by the rain smashing against the hotel window. I scrunch up my eyes and roll over onto my other side. I open them and there lies Jamie. Sound asleep. He looks so peaceful. Quiet. He looks alot younger when he sleeps. I can't help but smile. I never thought I would wake up to Jamie Dornan. Even Im shocked.

"Stop staring" I hear a little whisper. I bring the duvet up over my face so the only thing you can see is my eyes.

"Thats better."

How the hell does he know? His eyes are closed! I shake my head and sigh dramatically.

"What woke you?" He sits up and stretches. I look at him and he just looks back. He looks shattered.

"The rain woke me, ill nod back off eventually."

"Need a cuddle?"

I nod and he holds his arm out. I shuffle over and rest my head on his chest. His arm wraps around me and rests just off my shoulder. His fingers are circling and I shiver at his touch.

"Cant handle it?" He chuckles quietly and kisses my head. I could really get used to this.

"Nono, im just not familiar with it" I look up and he smiles innocently. Oh Dornan we all know you are from from innocent.

"You still owe me." I whisper. He laughs quietly and nudges his nose in my hair

"I am well aware. Now please sleep, as much as I would like to stay up and chat till the sunrise I am absolutely shattered. Still a little jetlag"

His eyes close and I just watch him. I snuggle back up to him and watch his chest rise every now and then as he breathes. How could anyone want to hurt him? He is so precious. Dreamy. He really is everything a woman could want.

I close my eyes and slowly drift into my sleep.

Jamies POV

I wake relatively early. Dakota is still lay comfortably on my chest. Ive never actually slept with someone on my chest. Amelia would normally move during the night and move onto her own side. Its nice.

I watch as she sleeps, she looks so peaceful and happy. Its nice to be with her again, she has this ora that makes you feel happy. She just makes you forget about everything going on in your life.

"Now whos staring?"

I look down and her eyes open. Im met with her gorgeous blue eyes. They really do captivate you.

"I was just checking"

"Checking what?"

"You out" I wink and she shakes her head.

"Its to early for you and your jokes"

"Its never to early"

"It is for you" She winks and I shake my head. Oh how the tables have turned.

"My jokes are funny"

"They are that bad we have to laugh"

"That hurt. That really hurt" I clench my hand onto my chest and she just laughs

"You on set today?"

I shrug and grab my phone. Suppose I best check. I scroll through my emails and pull up the rota.

"No, seems im not needed today either"

"Bloody hell, why are you here so early then?"

"Better than sitting around back home, twiddling my thumb"

"Fair enough."

I lie back down as she sits up. She stretches and ties her hair up in a bobble. She moves out of bed and straightens her side of the duvet.

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