Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

The cheering fans, the buttery smell of popcorn, the excitement quickly rushing twords my limit as I sense it this exhibition. It's the middle of the day and the sun is in the middle of the sky. Mickey leads his circus, while the bunny children play instruments, and I bring eyes to our attraction. To arise the crowd I twirl my baton, swaying my hips to the beat of the lively music. As I obtain the baton back in my hand, I look around the crowd and blow more kisses at the men giving me seductive eyes. As being a performer for quite some time it doesn't bother me much.

I move my head as joyful as I can. Moving it from side to side, until someone catches my eye. A wolf, standing out of the crowded streets. His big brown eyes twinkle, tracking Mickey as he walks around. Next to the wolf is a much smaller demon following me with his eyes of lust. When he locks eyes with me, my heart skips a beat.

Why am I acting so strange? It's just another one!

I cock an eyebrow at him, and roll my eyes. Seeing him immediately sparks so many red flags. The way his glowing eyes track my figure makes me dizzy.

"Ms. (Y/N)! Watch out!" A small high-piched voice calls to me.

Before I can stop myself, my feet trip over the tedious paved road.


Thankfully, I don't fall over. That would make me feel like a bigger fool.

"Are you ok Ms. (Y/N)?" A neighboring rabbit asks.

A big sweet smile spreads across my face. "I am! Thank you, sweetie." I say petting him behind the ears.

The little blue rabbit purrs, cuddling in my hand. I continue to my routine and the rabbit continues his. After what seems like the entire day, we reach the end of the town. The streets die down in citizens. Everyone heads back to where we set up for our visit. Thankfully, the walk back isn't as long as the walk towards. The team goes their appropriate tents. The performers and I go to the changing tents, to relieve from our filthy outfits.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" A familiar voice calls out.

I turn my head to see my good friend Mickey.

"Hey, you were great out there." He says patting my back.

A boost of encouragement is exactly what I need to get my mind off a cooling bath.

"Thanks, Mick." I smile. "You were great too!"

Mickey nervously laughs. "Aw shucks, it wasn't just me!"

"You know I have noticed a lot of people keeping an eye on you." He says quickly changing the topic.

I hide my face in my hands. Knowing the outcome of this question. "Ya, I think it's because of my outfit is getting a little to tight." I laugh nervously.

"Well you have been growing alot since you joined this circus." He chirps.

I blush a deep red, knowing that he is true. It also didn't help that he slipped off his outfit.

"Hehe." I falsely laugh. "Hey, do you know where Donald left my stuff?"

Mickey quickly swipes a towel from the rack and wipes his face.

"He left it in your tent." He says, wiping his sweat with a towel.

I make my way to my tent, without a word left.

"Oh boy, that was quite a show, you guys." Mickey says to the rest of the crew.

My mind drifts to the demon I saw at the show.

What a creep looking at me like that. And at such a small age too, yet he looked sort of adorable when he looked at me. The way his face fell into a perfect shape. His deep, dark, crimson eyes. His buil-. Wait! He could be younger than me. Like ten or twelve! What am I thinking I don't even know anything about him. What am I doing getting all sappy about him? He is just one of those absent-minded guys keeping their eyes on me.

I shake my head to get all the horrible thoughts out. My tent, resting next to a tree, away from the others takes time to get to but I make it just before the sun starts to fall. I shut the tent flaps giving nobody an entrance inside. I quickly get changed into black small-sweat shorts and a thin (F/C) sweater. I put my hair up as I make my way to the main tent again. I look for Mickey, with dinner in mind, but he was occupied giving an autograph to the wolf I saw earlier and next to him was that demon.

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