Chapter 17

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(Y/N)'s POV

As the minutes pass by I feel a stronger connection with Cuphead. I feel like we could be friends or something.

"Man! You sure have everything in that magic thing of your!" Mugs laughs. "What's next? A rabbit?" He laughs.

Something about Mugs joke sparks something in my mind. "Rabbit? Rabbit? . . . . . Wait now I know where you're from!" I exclaim walking over to Felix.

He just tilts his head blushing. "You're the cat that Oswald almost kissed." I chuckle putting my hand on my hip.

Felix laughs nervously and blushes even harder. "Ya, that's me!"

I laugh too and walk back to Mugs leaning against the tree. Mugs and Boris come and gives us our food.

"Bo. . . .petite?" Mugs says handing us our soup.

Cups laughs grabbing his bowl. "Yeah, I dunno what that means either.

"It means enjoy your food!" I laugh grabbing my bowl looking at Cups.

He just smirks. I grab the small wooden spoon, scoop some soup, and sip it down my throat. The taste of the sweetened mushrooms takes control of my taste buds.

"How does the soup taste?" Boris asks.

Before I could answer, Felix jumps in. "This is really good!" He says with his mouth full.

I open my mouth to respond but Bendy did the same as Felix. "It's no bacon soup but yeah, it still tastes great." He says taking a sip of his soup.

Stars sparkle in my eyes. "Bacon soup?!" I say through my teeth.

Bendy hears me and turns his head to me. I swiftly look away hoping he didn't see me, but inside I knew he did.

"I love bacon." I whisper.

"Do you have any on you?" Mugs asks leaning his head.

I face-palm and hope that he says no.

"Of course! I keep plenty of em!" He says picking up his spoon full of soup. "But I guess I to go with this cause it's 'healthy' or whatever." He says stuffing his spoon in his mouth.


I slumped over the tree and ate more soup quickly, trying to stop the desire of eating some bacon. I sigh as I take the last sip of my soup. My stomach felt relieved to not be empty anymore.

"Hey, guys h-how's about I play some music for you." Boris says nervously.

We all shake our head 'yes'. Boris beams and pulls out a clarinet from his backpack. Honestly, I was expecting a guitar or something but a clarinet is alright. Boris blew gently into the instrument and it made a soft sound in response. Boris blew a couple of notes then made it into a short song. Boris finished his song and took a deep long breath of relief.

"Can Bendy play anything?" Mugs asks.

Inside, I wanted to know the same question but I just left it.

"Yeah, I play clarinet and he used to play guitar." Boris smiles looking at his friend.

"Nice!" Mugs smiles back.

All of us paste our eyes to Bendy. Felix whistles impressed.

Bendy blushes lightly making my heart jump. "It was a long time ago, I don't think I'm even half as good as I used to." He says waving his hands around.

A smile cracks across my face imagining Bendy as a little child playing a tune. His gloved hands strumming the strings lightly while the other fingers on the neck of the guitar.

Cute! I squeal inside.

Right beside me, Cuphead was aloud to himself.

"And why are you laughing?" Bendy snaps.

Cuphead continues to chuckle for a while then speaks. "I just heard 'Bendy plays guitar' and immediately thought of him playing a guitar two times his size!" He laughs again.

"You little shiz!" Bendy growls.

I honestly didn't think of it that way, but it was a funny image. I couldn't take it anymore a burst out laughing. I clenched my stomach in pain from all the laughing.

"BORIS!" He yells.

"S-Sorry Bendy that is a funny image." He laughs.

Tears start to flood in my eyes. I couldn't breathe or speak. After a while, my laughs died down and I could breathe again.

"Alright! This is the last straw!" He grits his teeth.

I look at Cuphead with a serious face. We exchange expressions then burst out laughing again.

"Wait. . ." Bendy pauses.

Cuphead points gun-fingers at Bendy. "EEYYYYY!" He laughs.

I laugh harder looking at Bendy's adorable, but goofy grin. I hold my laughs in to talk. "Actually, it's a Bendy straw." I let my laughs loose falling over onto Cups legs.

Cuphead reaches for his straw at the top of his head "Why yes! It is a bendy straw, thanks for notici. . . .WAIT! 'Bendy-Straw that's so gonna be our team name!" He exclaims.

"NO!" Bendy disagrees quickly.

I pick myself up and take a couple of slow, long breaths.

"I haven't laughed so hard in my life!"

Boris comes around and retrieves our bowls. I hand him mine as I do a chilly breeze grab my sweater from the branch I hung it up on and slip it on. My body finally feels relieved to be warm again. I sit back down and lean my head back on Cuphead.

"You're getting a little too comfortable (Y/N)," Cuphead says.

I don't say anything. I just smile a big grin.

"I can't wait until your boy takes you back." He scoffs petting Jackpot.

I lay deeper into his arm and giggle, hearing Bendy's sweet voice.

"I'm ok now Mr. Felix. Let's get back on track before I could do something I might regret." He says.

I hear quick a quick shuffling sound. "You sure you're ok?" Felix says.

"Oh, yes I'm sure!" Bendy replies.

There was a long pause in between. "No, really I am! I learned my lesson, don't worry Mr. Felix!" Bendy says with panic in his voice.

I take that as a cue to get up. I pull my face from Cuphead's arm and swing my bag over my shoulder. Everyone else does the same.

"Alright, I believe you this time." He says raising an eyebrow watching Bendy hop off the log they were sitting on.

"You guys! Come quick!" Boris calls.

"What's the. . . .WOW!" Bendy says in surprise.

Everyone bunches up to Boris calls from. We stare in awe as we watch the remarkable happen.

"The map is acting weird." He says wide-eyed.

The map hovering over the water in a cone shape sparkles as if it's trying to tell us something.

"Amazing!" I exclaim.

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