Chapter 12

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I'm back! ;)


Bendy's POV

I sigh as I lower my head deeper into my arms. 

"Yo, Doll! Two lattes and two muffins please." Cuphead orders. "See? I invited ya like a cool friend." Cup smiles.

I just shrug and look away. "I don't do this for anyone. You know?" Cup coos pulling at my cheek.

I slap his hand off. "Get off dude!" I demand.

We just sit there in silence. I pull on the tablecloth, looking at it with a face that I can't describe.

"Seriously though. . . .what's up Bends?" Cuphead asks.

I pull on the cloth harder. "You wouldn't understand Cup!" I say.

"Ahh, come on tell me!" He exclaims pulling at my cheek again.

I sigh having enough of his childish begs. "Well, you remember how you said that I liked (Y/N)?"

Cuphead nodes his head 'yes' in response.

"Well, I do like her bu. . . . "

"Ha! I knew it!" He laughs rubbing my head.

"I'm not finished!!" I yell. "Anyways, I took her to a restaurant yesterday and she went to go get something to eat. Hell! I let my wild side out and went to flirt with some ladies. I explain. "She came back and slapped me. Now she won't say a damn word to me!" I sigh. "I screw thing up."

Cuphead raises an eyebrow at me and stares.

"W-what?" I ask.

He doesn't answer.


He chuckles silently. "So that's what that red mark on your face was!"

I rub the mark and glare at Cuphead. "Anyways, have you EVEN tried talking to her?" He asks removing his eyes from me.

"No!" I rub my neck. "I feel so bad that I can't even face her."

Cuphead runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. "Well, then you're a real wuss Bends." He laughs.

"I sure am." I sigh. "We just met two days ago and I already got a problem with her."

"Gather up all your courage and talk to her. I'm sure she will understand." He advises. "And if something goes wrong I'll be there." He winks.

"Wait, what do you mean 'be there'!" I utter.

"Oops! Jumping ahead of yourself again eh Cuphead." He says. "I thought that you need us on your journey."

I snap my direction to him. " wanna tag along?!" I exclaim.

Cuphead gives a smile of reassurance. "Sure, the more the better. Think about it, you guys would be much safer with us around." He says.

I just sit there in silence. Is that even a good idea?

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