Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Amazing!" I gasp pulling on Cup's collar.

I can feel little stars twinkle in my eyes as the map floats above the water.

"Is it making itself into an ice-cream cone?" Cuphead says putting his hand on his hip.

Bendy clicks his tongue. "That, or it could be pointing at something."

I push past Mugman and Boris to get a better look.

"But pointing at what? That's just a river!" Boris asks.

I raise my shoulders while passing by him. I stand next to Felix who was taking off his shoes.

I crouch over him as he puts his hand in the water, rubbing it over the rocks.

"Interesting. . . .yet somehow familiar." Felix mumbles aloud.

I cock an eyebrow. "What do you mean familiar, Felix?" I ask fixing my posture.

"I actually don't know." He responds whipping his hands on his pants. "I can't remember."

I look over my shoulder for the other's reactions. Mugman looked confused, Boris was mesmerized, Bendy was just as stumped as Felix and Cuphead didn't really give a damn. I look back at the water and find something different about it.

"Guys?" I say in a worried tone. "The rocks. . . . .there is a pattern."

The boys look down at the water slowly. As all our eyes are drawn to it, the rocks start to rise. I grab my hand out to touch it.

Felix pulls it back. "Wait! Let me do it." He says looking me in the eyes.

I nod my head and he lets go of my hand. Felix looks away from me and turns to the pedestal. He simply touches it with no hesitation.

"Odd? It's loose." He says moving it gently.

"Well then, move it!" Cuphead says in a sassy tone.

"Ok, ok! I will." Felix rushes.

Felix moves the platform in a counter-clockwise motion. A low lapping sound comes to my ear. I face the noise and find a little portal right in front of me. My legs started to give out, I'm being sucked in.

I wrap my hand around Felix's arm. "Don't let go of me!" I shout.

Felix opened his mouth to speak but had no time to. The portal pulled me in harder. Boris and Bendy hold on to Felix to keep me out.


The portal pulls on me harder and harder. "GUYS, I CAN'T. . . . . I CAN'T HOLD ON MUCH LONGER." I cry.

"We won't. . . . . .I won't let you go!" Bendy strains.


I lost my grip.

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