Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

How did this happen? I ask myself. Mickey ran outside to find Bendy and Boris in panic, and now we're going to eat. Didn't we just eat?

I follow Mickey and Boris into a restaurant while the rest follow behind. I'm pretty bored so I just tune into everyone's conversation.

"Mr. Mickey, you don't have too." Boris says nervously.

"Nah, it's fine. My treat." Mickey responds back.

Behind me. "It's like in talking to a freagin wall." Donald says.

"Freagin wall." One of the rabbits says mocking Donald.

I run my fingers through my hair. Out of nowhere Oswald pushes me aside and hugs a cat sitting down in front of us.

"Oswald!" I yell.

"Holy Shiz!" Donald laughs.

(A/N): Sorry I don't curse. Only in intense situations.

"Donald watch your mouth! And. . . . um. . . .Ozzy?" Mickey says biting his finger.

I look at Oswald and the cat. The cat is completely flustered and Oswald is about to kiss him.

"Oswald that's not Ortensia!" I yell.

Oswald snaps out of his trance and Mickey pulls him back. Mickey negotiates things out with the cat but he's pretty much ok with it.

"O-Oh No! It's ok! Who can so no to a hug." The cat laughs nervously.

Me and Boris ask to help but he refuses to both of us. At the end of the counter, I see Max talking to Donald.

"Max!" I call out waving to him.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He says gesturing me to come over.

I walk over to Max and hug him over the counter.

"How are you (Y/N)." He asks smiling.

I smile back. "I'm good." I say. "How about you?"

"Good." He says holding my hands.

Max has asked me out a couple of times out but I rejected them all. He's a really nice guy but he's not for me.

"Hey, is this guy bothering you (Y/N)?" Bendy asks from down below.

Oh, great this guy again. Why did I think he was cute?

"No, Bendy I'm just talking to him." I snap.

"Ok, but if you need anything I'll be over there." He says walking off.

"Who's that?" Max asks.

"That's (Y/N)'s, boyfriend." Donald says.

I step on Donald's foot. He yelps in pain.

"What! (Y/N) you never told me about him." Max panics.

I laugh a little. "Don't listen to Donald. Mickey invited them to eat with us. I barely met him today." I look at Bendy at the corner of my eye. "Besides he's a real jerk."

"Orders ready!" Someone calls from behind Max.

"Oh well, I gotta go. Talk to you later (Y/N)." Max says.

"Bye Max." I respond back.

I look around to see if there is anyone else I can talk to. At the end of the restaurant, I see Boris sitting by himself. I walk over to him.

"Hello, Boris. Is this seat takin'?"

"Hm? Oh no, take a seat." He says smiling.

I sit down gently. "So, how long have you known Bendy?" I ask twiddling my thumbs.

Boris laughs a little. "What's so funny? Did I say something wrong?" I ask.

Boris calms his silent giggles and speaks. "Where brothers Ms. (Y/N)."

I feel so embarrassed. What an idiot I am.

"And you're the olde. . . ."

"I'm the youngest." He says.

Again, acting like an idiot (Y/N).

"Do you live here or are you visiting?" I cringe trying to avoid asking another idiotic question.

"No. Where just stopping by for something," Boris says.

I raise an eyebrow. "And what is that something? I could help you look for it."

"Nah, we already found it. Now well be on our way looking for more parts for the Ink Machine." Boris says suddenly covering his mouth.

"What's the Ink Machine?" I ask nosey.

"It's supposed to cure Bendy's inkness." He says covering his mouth once more.

My body freezes as I hear those words.

"C-Cure his in-nkess." I stutter.

"Ya, but don't tell Bendy I told you." He says. "He will get really mad at me."

My mind snaps to reality. "I HAVE TO COME WITH YOU!" I yell lifting myself from the seat.

Boris's eyes widen. "Shh, Ms. (Y/N). I'm really not sure if you can." He says scratching the back of his head. "Besides I don't think Mr. Mickey will let you."

"Sure, he will. . .I think." I whisper the last part.

The image of his body dead after I come home is pushing me to go with Bendy and Boris. 'He' would have wanted it. So, would Ortensia and everyone else that suffered the same fate.

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