Merry Christmas

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(Y/N)'s POV

I drag my feet across the long, frozen grass. We have not stopped since, last night. The next village is miles away and according to Felix and Bendy we had to get there quick. Everyone is in pain, in one way or another. Cuphead is holding his brother in his arms, big white clouds float out of his head. Jackpot nuzzled in Mugman's scarf, trying to get warm. Boris is grunting and struggling under the weight of his heavy bag.

I happen to always wear the wrong attire every day, so that was just a bother. Black shorts, (F/C) sweater, and black flats. The coldness and pain is unbearable. No one was in a good mood, especially myself. And when I am in a bad mood I will make sure people know. I collapse to the ground, crying. I grab my shoe and throw it at Bendy. I hit him perfectly, nocking his goggles off his head.

"Hey, Genius!" I snap. "When are we going to stop!"

Bendy quickly shoots a glare at me.

"We can't! Were almost there!" He says, picking up his goggles. "And stop crying." He adds.

Obviously, Bendy was no help.

"Felix?" I ask in a lighter mood. "Can we stop for a moment?"

Felix stammers at his words.

"I-Its just like B-Bendy said." He says, trying to hide that he was tired as well.

"Please!" I whine.

Felix groans at my childish pleases.

"Please stop (Y/N)! Can't you tell Im tired."

I scoff at his response.

He just called himself out!

I stay laying on the grass. Then an idea pops into my head. I dig in my bag, for my ultimate weapon.

"Fine! Then I will stay here with my MARSHMALLOWS." I say, lifting the bag in the air.

Everyone turns their direction to me, even Mugman who has awoken from his slumber.

"Marshmallows!?" They all exclaim with stars in their eyes.

"Yes, marshmallows!" I snicker.

I slip myself into the grass, laying on my back, looking up at the boys. "You can only get some if you join me on this nice bed of grass."


The guys watch every move of the bag.

I rip open the bag. "Who will join me?" I say, popping the treat in my mouth.

"I WILL!" Mugman yells, jumping out of his brothers arms.

"NO! I WILL!" Boris hollers, dropping the backpack.


"OH, YOU WISH DUDE!" Bendy shouts, finally joining us.

"Fellas, please calm yourselves." Felix says, watching each of us.

The guys sit in a circle, awaiting a marshmallow, like a dog waiting to be awarded a treat.

"So, who will be first?"


The sound of the crackling wood, settled out pain and angered tempers. Each of us had our marshmallows cooking in the flames, waiting for it to turn to a golden brown. My eyes are fixated on my marshmallow until something gets caught in my mind.

"Felix, what's the day today?" I ask, removing my food from the fire.

Felix takes the last bite, then counts his fingers. He swallows his food then speaks.

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