Chapter 13

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Cuphead's POV

The waiter from earlier walks towards us with our order in hand. "Here's for you, sir." She tells me smiling.

"Thank you!" I smile back grabbing my food from her hands.

She leans towards Bendy and smiles even bigger. "And these are free for you. . . . . . Little Guy!"

I couldn't help but keep my laughs in. I look at Bendy and he looks pretty pissed at the lady.

"Umm Ma'am, my friend here is a grown man. What he lacks in length, he makes up in smarts, strength, and looks." I imitate her smile.

The lady fixes her body posture. "Oh goodness! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. . . . " She panics.

"No worries! At least his order ain't free anymore." I laugh.

The waiter laughs back a nervous laugh. "Yeah! Super sorry again." She walks off.

I take a sip of my latte and peek a look at Bendy. "Well ain't you pretty cool all of a sudden!" He says in a happier mood.

"I dunno what you are talking about. I'm always cool." I smile.

Bendy just chuckles to himself. "Don't you think you went overboard with those praises of yours?" He asks.

I frown at him. "Oh, so I was wrong?"

Bendy looks away. "No, No! It's true I am all of those things!" He says making a gun with his finger and placing it on his chin.

Bendy starts mumbling things under his breath. "Ya know, I'll talk with Boris about it!" He smiles showing his fang.

"Oh, I knew it! I knew you wouldn't turn me down!" I take his hand and shake it.

(Y/N)'s POV

I look around the empty market for something to give Bendy. I might have overreacted that night. I mean we weren't even dating. He was just taking me out as a friend and I ruined our night. I eye a stand with shirts.

"How much do the shirts cost?" I ask the old lady managing the stand.

Wrinkles cover her face but a big smile makes her seem like a little child again.

"Ten coins!" She smiles happily.

I dig through my purse and find fifteen. I hand her the money and tell her to keep the extra. I look through the shirts finding one for the demon.

How do I know these shirts will fit him? He is short.

I dig deeper into the stack of shirts. Uhh, all these shirts are too big! I pull back a strand of hair that falls in front of my eyes. I look up at the lady and give her a side smile.

"None of them are the right size for my friend." I say. "They're all too small."

The lady gives an even bigger smile and turns around to a box and pulls out more shirts.

"Try some of these." She says patting them down.

I look through the shirts and find a perfect one. A brown shirt with the right size.

I grab it from the stack and hand the shirt to the lady. She smiles back and places the shirt gently in a paper bag.

She hands me the bag and I take it. "Thank You!" I smile and walk away from the stand

I search around the market for Boris and Mugs. I turn a corner and find them side by side bumping each other. I run over and jump on them and wrap my arms around the both of their necks. The stumble forward and we all laugh. Mugs notices the bag in my hands.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Who's that's for?" He smiles.

I jump off them and explain. "I got into a fight with Bendy and this is kind of a forgive me gift." I raise my shoulders.

Boris nodes his head up and down. "So, that's what he was yelling about." Boris says.

I tilt my head to the side. "What was he yelling exactly, Boris?" I raise an eyebrow readjusting my purse across my chest.

"He was yelling something about how bad he felt and not being there for any girl." He shrugs.

I look down at the ground. My heart sinks at the sound Boris saying that. Bendy knows that he's going to die soon. Just like 'him'. Just like everyone else. Every day in fear that one day your life would come to an end.

"Oh." I just reply sadly.

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