Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s POV

The frigid wind travels past the mountains in the distance, in the trees, and lastly through my (H/C) hair.

I gasp in fear as we pass over some trees from below. "Don't look down! Don't look down! You're ok (Y/N)!" I chant trying to calm himself down. "Don't. . . . . look. . . . . DOWN!" I scream exploding into Mugs' arms.

Mugs looks at me with big wide eyes and blushes. "(Y-Y/N) do you really want to be with me that badly?" He smiles a goofy grin.

"N-No! I'm just a little scared. That's all! Nothing big!" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

Mugs just drops his shoulders and puts me on the grass. I stand up and continue walking trying to ignore the fear of falling. In front, Felix passes each of us an apple that Boris bought at the market today.

I take a slow small bite of mine trying to savor the flavor. "Where were you guys zoning out on?" Felix asks raising an eyebrow.

Mugs smiles at me then Felix. "Oh! (Y/N) was scar. . . ." I grab Mugs' mouth and stuff him in my chest. "He means that I was getting scars from all this walking!" I lie felling Mugs struggling for air.

We barely left the town (Y/N)!

"Mr. F-Felix?" Bendy says in a worried tone. "Can we take a break, please?" Bendy asks.

I could tell that Bendy was pretty tired. His face was red and sweaty and he was out of breath.

"Already?" Felix says looking behind him. "Oh! Imeansurething." He slurs.

When Bendy and Boris walk off I let go of Mugs. "W-Why d-did. . . . . .yo-ou do tha-at. . . . . . (Y/N-N)?"He says out of breath.

"Because!" I exclaim not having a good reason.

I help Mugs up and give him my apple since it fell down the cliff. He refused but I insisted. He took the apple and smiled. I smiled back. I looked around form Felix and Cuphead. I found them sitting on a rock. Mugs and I sat next to them. Once we sat Felix sparked up a conversation.

"So I've been told that you guys can shoot laser beams out of your. . . . fingers." He says tilting his head towards Cuphead.

Mugs replies esthetically while Cup just grunts chewing on his apple.

"Mind showing me?" Felix says with sparks in his eyes.

"Show him, bro!" Mug says bumping his shoulder.

"I would like to see to Cups!" I encourage him.

Cups groans then looks at me. "Don't call me that!" He snaps. "Why me?"

I bring my hands up as if I surrendered. Cuphead lets go of his apple and brings up his finger. It starts to glow a light blue.

"Such a bother. "He mumbles out loud.

For a moment, he hesitates. "You know what? Mine's already pretty awesome, why don't you work on your Mugs" Cuphead says patting his brother on the back.

"Oh, come on!" He wines.

Mugs does the same exact thing as Cuphead. His finger even glows the same color. After a second of powering up, he shoots at a tree in the distance.

"Nice O-One!" Cups stutters.

"AMAZING!" Felix and I say together completely mesmerized."

After minutes of waiting for Bendy and Boris, we hear screaming coming from their direction. We all sit up in curiosity wondering what the brothers were fighting about.

Felix stands up. "Maybe I should check on them." Felix says.

I tilt my head slightly. "You should give them their space Felix." I tell him.

Felix just chuckles. "Don't worry I got this!" He smiles.

Felix walks away leaving me wondering: What were they yelling about?

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