The Send-Off

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I sat there on the ropes as Daniel does his "YES! YES! YES!" Chants around the WWE Ring. He gets up on Turnbuckle and raises his hands up and down yet for a second I can no longer hear a word his mouth is chanting, just a voice in my head saying push him off.

I try and fight it by the time I do my hands are pushing him off ring and onto the cement floors. I scream in horror as his head hits the ground. I see the blood gush out out of his head. I don't remember much after that. I think I passed out or maybe it was all a bad dream. I wake up with blinding lights. I turn my head and see Daniel. Laying there. Bandaged. Bruised. Unconscious.
I try to get up but my hands are stuck I pull once more before I realize I'm cuffed to the bed. I begin to have an anxiety attack and feel as if I can't breathe. Daniel hears me. He's groggy but awake. He's mumbling something.

He begins to yell louder until a nurse comes "LET HER OUT!" He begins to scream as the nurse tries to come him saying things like "sir you have lost a lot of blood" "if your not careful you could re open the wound" in a prim voice and its very faint that I can barely hear her.

He looks her in the eyes and whispers but aggressively "Let Her Out!" She looks over at the cop standing by my bed, nods his head and begins uncuffing me. But I'm still restrained by the belt across my body that cutting off my oxygen supply.
"WHY AM I HERE?! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME!?" I scream and demand the nurse takes out a needle and jabs me with it. I begin to drift off again. As I hear Daniel screaming "NO!!"
I feel Daniels warm, big hands wrap around my face. I lean into and try to fall back asleep.
"AJ, AJ" he says calmly.
I open my eyes. To see a tear fall down his cheek. "AJ, baby girl, I love you so much."
"Daniel, what's going on!" I say still a little tired.
"Your gonna be going away for a while. Okay? I promise these people will take care of you."
My eyes widen.
"I'll be here when you come back. I Promise."
I struggle as the same nurse gives me another shot.
My eyes open, looks like the hospital but there's a different nurse.
"Hello April. I'm Doctor Snow."
"What? Where am I? Why am I here?"
"Doctor Snow is my name. Your at New York–Presbyterian University Hospital. Your here cause you pushed your boyfriend off a turnbuckle and if he wouldn't have bribed the officers then they would have took you to the prison instead."
"What exactly is this..?"
"To be exact a Mental Institution."
I jump up onto the bed and go in the corner of it. "IM NOT CRAZY!"
A tall man with a unshaven face walks past the door, not looking in.
" You don't have to be Crazy, honey."
"I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy" I begin to whisper as I feel a pinch in my arm as I drift off once more.

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