Chapter 33

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My eyes flicked open, instantly feeling my sticky body between my blankets and the throbbing pain in my head. I kicked my sheets off of me, trying to cool myself down as I put my palm to my forehead. As a cause of stress that was most likely formed by school, I'd been waking up with migraines in the middle of the night and this one had been a bit worse than the others.

I shut my eyes as I gripped onto my blankets, deciding to get up and take a cool shower despite my clock telling me it was almost 4am. I rubbed my hands over me face as I wearily walked to my bathroom. I flipped the light on and squinted my eyes from the sudden brightness and shielded my eyes with my hand.

I leaned over into my shower, turning it on and searching around for towels. With my luck, I had none. I groaned from the annoyance and headed back out of my room and towards my laundry room. I quickly slipped back into my room and into my shower with hopes that my headache would go away with a short shower.

My body felt heavy as the water hit against my once sweaty body. I brushed out my tangled hair with my fingers and kept running my face under the cool water. I felt better, but the pounding in my head was still there.

I stepped out after about 15 minutes, letting my thick cotton towel hang loosely around me. I dug around in my drawers for my medication, but stopped once I heard a banging on the side of my wall. My head darted in the direction of the broken silence and I swallowed the pill I had in my hand with a raised eyebrow.

The bang was heard again and I realized it was from Luke's room. I secured the towel tighter around my body and left my bathroom with my hair still dripping down my back. I quietly walked towards his room and raised my hand to knock, but stopped when I heard another loud noise from inside his room. I shook my head and knocked on his door, not getting an answer after a few moments.

"Luke?" I called out, clearing my throat after from my tired voice. I heard shuffling in his room and was tempted to just walk right in, but God only knows what he does at this time of the morning.

The door swung open to reveal a very disgruntled Luke. His dissatisfied expression faded as he caught onto what I was wearing, or that I was barely wearing.

"You're naked." He blurted out, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Are you complaining?" I asked and he quickly shook his head. I pushed open his door and saw nothing out of the ordinary in his room which left me confused as to what he was doing. "And what the hell are you doing?" I looked back at him, catching onto his tired eyes that resembled mine.

"That was my bed hitting the wall." He explained which still left me with no answer.


"Oh," He started, raising his voice a little. "I dropped something behind my bed and I couldn't squeeze my arm through the side of my bed and I was-"

"Why are you awake?" I questioned, cutting him off. He looked me up and down and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I could ask the same," He replied.

I nodded my head, "You first."

"My room, my rules." He told me. I narrowed my eyes at him then took a step back from his door.

"Let me go put on some clothes." I sighed.

"Wait," He stopped me just as I turned to walk to my room. He searched rather frantically around for something, running out of my sight before coming back a few moments later with his clothes in hand. "Wear mine." He insisted, giving me a gentle smile.

"My room is literally 10 feet away." I chuckled, motioning to my bedroom door.

"Please?" He stuck out his bottom lip at me which was still an acceptable way to try to get me to do what he wants. He stuck out the handful of clothes to me. "Let me be a cute boyfriend." He gave me a cheesy smile and opened his door a little wider, gesturing me to come into his room.

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